Happy Lizard

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Apparently I brought in a little visitor with all my pepper seedlings the other night. When I was moving them back outside, I uncovered a little lizard crouched on the seed heating mats on the seed starting rack. I have to say, he looked pretty pleased with himself, all toasty warm and surrounded by pepper seedlings! And rather indignant when I caught him and turned him loose on the front porch!
Hey those little guys will eat aphids and an entire host of bad bugs. I actually catch them up in winter to put in my plant room;)
I have lots of the little creatures. My daughter is afraid of them but they don't bother me.
When I lived in Alaska in my much younger years we had a lot of lizards there and i used to love to play with them..lol

Here we have praying mantis and Ijust love them! Last year I found a baby praying mantis on the glass of my living room window, it was so small that if i had not been standing right at the window I woul have not even seen it. I love that incredible creature.

This was a green anole. I have bunches of them outside.


I would be afraid to try and keep them in the house because of the cat/Aussie hunting team. Zoe the cat likes to catch the lizards and bugs, and Abigail the Aussie has learned there is fun to be had when Zoe is stalking. Last fall I looked up and saw Zoe trotting through the house with something in her mouth, and Abigail trotting beside her, staring intently at her mouth. Zoe stopped in the middle of the room and spat a great big Palmetto bug on the carpet, and they proceeded to chase it around the room.

Which, admittedly, is better than my old cat Gracie, who used to bring rats inside to play with; but still, "Palmetto bug" is just a nice way of saying "Flying cockroach". Yuck!
So far my cat has caught 2 mice in the house in the last month and has stalked a couple more....but the one i will never forget is the cat I had before I moved here. She brought a snake in the house! She dropped it on the floor and it was still alive! I was NOT ipressed..lol I got the neighbor guy to come get it out for me:D She also used to bring birds in the house and let them go...thats always a good challenge to catch a frightened bird. Tulip and Daisy my current cats also like to bring birds in the house! Some times I do wish they were not such good hunters.

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I don't mind lizard's outside love to watch them.But I can't stand one to hop off on me.Give's me the hebe jebee's LOL
W e have blue belly lizzards here. The place we lived at before had more than here and the grandsons used to catch them. One time I was taking my grandson, Matthew, to his football practice. Gage, his brother, was the one who liked the lizzards the most. We were sitting in the car at Matthew's practice, and Gage was in a car seat at the time that had little cup holders in it. He was trying to be really quiet opening the cup holder. He had brought on of the lizzards with him in my car. He said, "I just wanted to play with it longer".
Blueaussi, I used to have anoles as pets when I was a girl. They are cool lizzies. I like how they can change from green to tan.
Kim,your story reminded me of when I was 10 and found a baby alligator lizard. I put it in a fishbowl full of sand and fed it bugs. In about a week it doubled in size. I went to change his water one day and he darn near bit the top of my pinkie off! Needless to say, he was evicted straightaway.
Blueaussi, I used to have anoles as pets when I was a girl. They are cool lizzies. I like how they can change from green to tan.
Kim,your story reminded me of when I was 10 and found a baby alligator lizard. I put it in a fishbowl full of sand and fed it bugs. In about a week it doubled in size. I went to change his water one day and he darn near bit the top of my pinkie off! Needless to say, he was evicted straightaway.

Oh, my goodness! That is to funny! LOL Thanks for the laugh. :D I'm sure you wasn't laughing.:eek:

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