Hey from Wisconsin

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
I'm Sassmuffin (Sass)from GG. Boy did I miss everyone! It was hard to try to settle into a new place. I am SOOOOOO Glad Bob did this. What a wonderful place to meet and kick your feet up!
Hi Sass sooo good to see you here. I had the same problem as you did, trying to find the right place to settle. It's like coming home. I really missed what we had going. I am also greatful to Bob for getting this site up so we can come home to roost:D
Welcome Sass............yes, I know your name from GG as well. See you around the forum.........:)
Howdy folks! Haven't been round anywhere much lately, one of my two jobs is in a grocery store so I probably won't come up for air 'til at least Sunday...
Good to see all these familiar faces, look forward to speelunking 'round the place this weekend!
Hi Sass, I remember your name from the old forum......it was hard for me to settle into another place myself, so glad that Bob did this for us.........
Everytime I log on I see names from the past. Now if a could just go back and get rid of some of these years I would be happy.
Hi Mb
So nice to see another familiar face. It's great here being with old gardening friends
Welcome and hope you can stop by more when you get a chance.
from me too!!
Hi Guys!
So many ole faces!
It's great to see you all again!
Scares, Lyn, Sass and all the old gang! Wow! Bob did good!!

Haven't been on for week, except on my mom's laptop!
Finally got my PC back from being fixed. The problem was the power supply unit.....now for the fun in redownloading all the programs as well as all the upgrades!!It will take a good part of a day to get it all back to running order!
I lost everything on my hard drive and that means 1000's of photo's vanished into cyberspace!!! I think I will be getting some smart sticks to store my photos in the future!

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