Hi from Massachusetts

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Its nice to see some old faces and names from GG, I was GardenBear on GG and still am GardenBear just added the 1 to the name. I want to thank Bob for this site and bringing back some of the old gang. I would all so like to thank Mainegal for letting me know about it. With winter here I do my gardening indoors I have about 300 epies and other related plants I all so grow a few diffrent Stapeliad and Huermia(carrion plants) and some cactus so my winter days will be busy with them. I have one fur baby a 9 yr old female Chihuahua named Maxi. next spring I would like to put up a real green house so I can grow more epies and add some more carrion plants.
I can't wait to start posting and reading the threads

Welcome Bear
Sure glad you was finally able to get in here. It's like the good old days.
It's sure nice chatting to the old gang once again.
Hi GardenBear!

Great to see you!

Sproutling/ Kale
Great to see you on here. I see new (old) names every day. It feels so much like the old forum. I missed it so much. oh yeah I was gardengranny for years
Thanks for the warm welcome, its really nice to see some of the old names here and even if you change your name its grerat to be back with old and new friends. I use to love going to GG in the past and now that Bob has us back again its going to be fun and I'm sure Bob will keep us going on for years
GardenBear.............yes, yet another familiar name.......welcome.........:)

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