Hi from Wisconsin

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi. Some of you might know me from a different site. It is nice to see familiar names. Look forward to some good discussions.
Well, let me be the first to welcome you, Mary Lynn. I think you'll find us to be an agreeable bunch. I know we have a pretty good time.
Mary Lynn
Hello and Welcome from the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Hope to see you around
melanie aka oremudpie
Welcome from the Hudson Valley of New York. I am a transplant from Minnesota. You've found a great site, lots of wonderful people and advise.
MaryLynn so glad you joined us. When you have time would love for you to post some of your great recipes here at GF. Let me know if I can help you learn to get around here on the site. Welcome my friend.
Welcome MaryLynn
Nice to see you here, jump right in and make yourself at home
Glad to see you here MaryLynn. I know you will enjoy the site. The members are wonderful and very helpful. We're just one big happy gardening family here. See you in the forums.
Thank you all for such a warm welcome. We are from Manitowoc, Wisconsin near Lake Michigan. We live on a small farm, and I plant a huge garden, sure has helped to have veggies in the freezer. Dale I will see what I can whip up out of my recipes for everyone.

You all have a wonderful weekend.
Glad you joined the fun and would love for you to post some of your great recipes.
Glad you came over, MaryLynn! I'm sure you see many familiar names.....I guess we kind of played a game of musical sites. It's very relaxed and informal here, and it's so easy to navigate. I second Dale's request for some of your recipes....I recall some lemon ones, if I'm not mistaken.....hint, hint, hint.

Anyway, glad to have you here!
Mary Lynn Welcome Welcome
I am so glad you finally made it over.
Jump right in and have fun.

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