
GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


I'm Brassi,, or Jeannie. I'm a refugee from Garden.com, garden gate, garden here, and more! My daughter has a site called simplywomen.org. I can also be found posting at My Grannies Garden.
I have had a business called My Grandmother's Garden for 30 yrs. I grow heirloom produce and flowers,design gardens, restore historical gardens,tend gardens, I'm a master gardeners with 3,000 volunteer hrs in 5 yrs. I've won many awards for my garden design and garden restoration. I'm an author , lecturer and I've even been on Tv and radio. My hubs grow orchids and we also do a large display at the Phila Flower Show.
My daughter started a site over 8 months ago and she gave me a forum and a chatroom-- which we have been gathering at for the last 2 weeks, on sunday nights we talk plants and gardening. And there is more-- but I'd be here all day typing
I forgot-- I'm also a christmas designer and I'm already preped to do 300 wreaths for the holidays. Along with doing 7 programs for the holidays. One of the programs is "living wreaths made with sedums"
Hi Brassi
So glad you stopped by to say hi. It was so nice meeting you in person too....
It was ashame we didn't have about 12 more hours for our meeting in Medford, Sharon and Laurie-- some how we have to meet up again-- without a time frame!!
I also met Chatty, she came to my house a few years ago-- it is lovely to put real faces to type!!((Love ya all lots-- happy Thanksgiving))
Hey brassi................good to see ya girl! Its certainly has been awhile.:)
Hi Brassi - so good to see you again - been a long time! Glad to hear you are busy - doing what you love! Hope to see you lots around this wonderful forum Bob has given us as an early Christmas gift!

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