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New Member
Hi everybody, I am getting ready for a plant sale and am wondering if you all know of a website where I can go and print up plant descriptions/pics. I've been searching but what I'm finding I either have to pay for a membership or there is alot of 'extra' info on the page not pertaining to the plant, that I don't want.

Thanks for looking, take care and God Bless, Becki
morning to you ...I don't know of a site ...but I just cut up old mini blings and use a grease pen and make the tages...also have in the past gotten tiny pots ...i think they are 1 or 2 inch pots..any craft atore has them...paint them up ..then take an old wire coat hanger the run through the not the pot is upside down..use needle nose plies and make a little loop and you have cute little plant markers
I use laundry jugs and bleach jugs. Anything sturdy. popsicle sticks and from the hardware store wood shims they come inboxes of 100 and are not treated with anything. They don't last long when exposed to the weather but long enough to make a sale;)

Maybe you could highlight the short descriptions under the photo image and print out just that part. Wouldn't work if you're trying to get all of that on a small tag. At a recent plant sale they had a notebook with printouts of the plants available (with photo) and had sticky note pads and pens where people could write down what the needed to know about zone/planting/sunlight, etc. that they were purchasing.
I know of a site..just gotta remember what it's called

I like Palmies ideas since you only have a short period of time
What I'm thinking of takes alot more effort
you could also get your seed catalogs and cut out what you are growing ..picture and information...take a zip ock and put it in and then use that as a plant marker
Why not make your own on your computer and print them on address labels and stick it to the pot or the mini blinds, there has to be something they will stick to nicely for you.
Thank you all for the great ideas

I am in the process of checking your ideas out and see what works best for me. I just want something simple that the part time gardeners can identify and know how to care of their new goodies.

Thank you. Take care, Becki
I use a #2 pencil when I on popsicle sticks and old mini blinds, I found that it will last longer and on wooden sticks if it fades just lay a paper over it and rub it with a pencil and the name shows up
I use popsicle sticks too. I buy them from the dollar store and they are very reasonable that way.
I used someday when I was labeling the plants to put out for sale. My bag had 200 in it for $1
I have the plants in totes,and I usually put a sign on a stick for each tote saying what the plant is. I don't marked each pot. I did mark a few pots today as I didn't have any cardboard to make signs with. I put 98 pots out today. I reuse the signs too if they are still good from yr to yr. I went over the writing today with marker on last yrs signs that I had plants for. Got to remember to get some cardboard at work on Monday.
I also make up a sheet of the plant descriptions and what they like, color and height. I put it in a plastic see thru bag and attached it on a plywood sign so ppl can read it if they want. I've only seen a couple ppl take down info from it.
I've got to do up a new one tonight as the one I've been using is all mildew now. It's been 3 yrs so it lasted well.
I love it....


I use the mini blinds cut up and have always used permanent marker but to no avail the following season the name has faded and I have to wait and watch to figure out what the heck I am growing. I LOVE the wooden stick with the pencil. I think I will change my ways.... thanks for the idea, Becki
We use silver paint pens to right the names and plant crosses on the black bags we use for the clivias. If you don’t move the plants a lot the name stays on for 4 years. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
