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the winter was rough on my roses, as I was checking them, one is split and i pushed some rocks under it to hold it up, but the piece with the green it the part that is broken. Can I fix it? and how do I do it? Will duct tape wrapped around it work LOL.. or should I just toss the plant?
Never toss a plant until it's gone. I would try taping it and maybe it will heal enough to live. Is the split near the ground? Wonder if you could mulch it good and be able to sorta root it's self while still together.
I have a rose that split or was weedeated down towards the bottom last year. I let it be and but some mulch around it and eventually it healed over. It is doing fine now and getting it's first bloom of the year.
thanks dor & dale, I will try some dirt and let it be and see if it comes on this summer, hope it does as it's my David Austin hot pink rose. And I love the color.
DH used masking tape on the peach tree which he broke.I was so sad I cried it was a gift from my Gran who passed away, he felt bad and did the only thing he knew not being a gardener.That was 10 years ago and it is still going strong.I would use it ,what have you got to loose?
the winter was rough on my roses, as I was checking them, one is split and i pushed some rocks under it to hold it up, but the piece with the green it the part that is broken. Can I fix it? and how do I do it? Will duct tape wrapped around it work LOL.. or should I just toss the plant?
Don't toss yet... it will be a long time before you toss*lol

All I know if it is a rose and it is injured it is your calling give great effort in saving it.
I didn't understand some of your description, glad everyone else did:D

What did you do?
How's it looking ?

Hey last spring my grandsons were running through the garden and broke the rose off at ground level. You couldn't see anything. I thought it was a goner but it came back. I was afraid it would come back as some strange root stock but it came back as the same rose. The boys are not allowed to run in the garden or walk for that matter. They are still banned.
Lyn, have you checked our my new Korner?
I have a few interesting pics
there in the my rose gallery..
(still working at it and on it )
I had what looked like a dead rose*LOL

Link on the bottom left.

Lyn, that sure sounds like a plan to me *lol
My dog inst allowed back there.Squirrels are her downfall she knows nothing hears ALL once she smells or sees one!*LOL

So it came back? What kind of rose was it?
I have a few climbers and a Floribunda and Grandiflora that do not look good, I know it is early but...they still don't look good.:(
I have 3 or more of the last 2 kinds,but...they are all special and part of the family and design... I'm waiting and will stay hopeful.
So far this season,one thing I remembered real quick is Josephs coat is a thorner!
He is a killer, like a magnet to clothes and skin..tough on thorns; will not let go or come out !Poor fella is also cheap on blooms*LOL (1st year)

Kale :)
MY rose has some new growth on the broken piece and I pulled some dirt up close to it and will put some nice composted dirt around it tomorrow, which I'm hoping with help it take off. Also one rose bush didn't do anything last year and now has some new growth coming up beside it. Will it be red or the color that I got to begin with which is yellow?? My brother said it would be red?? Not sure if that is how it works he said that they all come from the red roses?? Also the rose buds had seeds which I stuck in the ground will they grow new roses?? This is all new to me so please be patient, sorry for all these questions. Karen.
I looked at my rose cutting this morning and the top branch is moldy. It is a fuzzy mold. Now what should I do? The bottom near the soil level is still green. I don't think it has any root yet. Should I toss it? Can it be saved? Help.
I looked at them but it doesn't seem to fit. I checked for any root growth and there wasn't anything. I put it in my shade garden and will just wait and see.
Just wondering if you just bought this rose bush, if so you could return it and request a new one. Only other thing I know is to put some compost around it and wait and see, but if it has no roots I don't feel it will make it, you may have to toss it, wonder if moles or mice ate the roots over the winter on you. one more thought what about mites or those plant flies that go in through the roots and kill the plants?? Have you dug it out and looked for really tiny bugs, if they are there then they are in the dirt and got into your plant. I really don't know what could cause this, just thinking and typing, hope you can figure it out.
SF3, it was a branch that my poor hubby broke off one of my bushes. I did put compost around it and have left it open to the air (I'm hoping it will not mold further). No bugs...I'm thinking it got some spores from the rain and then the warmth and humidity caused it to mold. If I lose it it won't be a big deal. I was just hoping I could start a new plant as this rose is a fushia color I love.
I looked at them but it doesn't seem to fit. I checked for any root growth and there wasn't anything. I put it in my shade garden and will just wait and see.
Did you give it a clean cut (if it doesn't have roots) you should be fine.Yes in the shade.You may want to cover it so you can monitor the water intake.
Also I would loosen the soil about 6 inches or so before you put the little baby in. I would leave it in bright shade for a few months, checking periodically, unless you have lots of rain,then more.
BTW are you sure it had mold? Was it white or green the part that looks like mold?
Also what is the roses name? Scented?

Hope it works out:D:D

SF3, it was a branch that my poor hubby broke off one of my bushes. I did put compost around it and have left it open to the air (I'm hoping it will not mold further). No bugs...I'm thinking it got some spores from the rain and then the warmth and humidity caused it to mold. If I lose it it won't be a big deal. I was just hoping I could start a new plant as this rose is a fushia color I love.

You can get them to root in sand sometimes, I have had them change when rooted, and old man once told me they need the brier root they were grafted to , to maintain the intergity of the mother plant. Not sure that's true but someone here should know. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
