My Greenhouses a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

thanks you two...
Hey Kale good to see you...
I have had a greenhouse at both our homes.....usually though, hubby has built them...this is the first two we are maingover...there is perfect vents in goth...we do need to do a bit of work on them but really nothing major...just a little time and money....for now I will be setting up the smaller one for the winter...then come spring and hopefully more time for hubby ...we will get the bigger one up ..thank you all for looking in...
Now thats some set up can I bring some of my plants over :D I would love a set up like yours I could grow more epies. and all I have is a small shade house :(
May you have many years of happy growing in your green house
Bear you are very kind....I am looking forward to getting everything going...for now when I am outdoors working and need to warm up a bit I go inside and dream of all the plants...LOL
Vegg,, Your G-houses will be so nice. I sure miss my 2 g-houses back in Tx. And the plants I had to leave behind. Brother says some have survived , So hope they will still be growing when I go back and get the rest of my things and flowers..Linda
thanks looking very forward to getting them all up to snuff and being able to get me little hands dirty in them
:eek:oh my goodness...what ever shall I do....;)you can send the prize money direct to me...;)well from you no way would I take offence....I shall go fix that if I can....LOL No fixing let the fun begin...LOL

Hey i happen to love it. It takes the heat off of me for all my typo's . I usually try to sneak in during work hours so I quick type and make many mistakes :p
On the greenhouse subject. Some of you know we had to give up fishing and we went back into construction, Hubbs got his contractors license and I found an office job. Anyway I have had for many many years all the items to build one heck of a green house. I have moved them from house to house as we move and there they sit in the back yard in a pile. Hmmmm I do so envy your new ready to use houses:)
hey scarze are welcome to come help out...
Well Crabber I sounds like this may be the year you get it built.....I had missed mine the last two years with all the moving...sadly I have still not gotten out to get anything going...will be working in the little one for this year...while we upgrade the bigger one come spring..
On the greenhouse subject. Some of you know we had to give up fishing and we went back into construction, Hubbs got his contractors license and I found an office job. Anyway I have had for many many years all the items to build one heck of a green house. I have moved them from house to house as we move and there they sit in the back yard in a pile. Hmmmm I do so envy your new ready to use houses:)

I was soooo glad when hubby gave up crabbing in 2002! :D
We also went back into construction. Since then he has become disabled and I had to go back to a public job. Things are tight so I guess I can give up on a green house, I didn't save enough materials to get a green house bad!!! But...I still have extra room inside and with a few lights...I'll be just fine!;)
yeah yeah yeah rub it in girl :p that you have 3 greenhouses and i don't have any :(
can't wait to see all your greenhouses filled with plants
you are so lucky
I know huh Laurie. She’s such a blessed “brat” ! I still think the pooting bench is my FAVORITE of all (hehehe)

I think senior members comes form 100 post....because as for me I am still just a baby..;) not old like some ...LOL:D
Oh brother, it’s getting DEEP in here! Lol

I have had for many years all the items to build one heck of a green house. I have moved them from house to house as we move and there they sit in the back yard in a pile. Hmmmm I do so envy your new ready to use houses:)
Hey Crabber, sounds like me waiting (still) for some storage sheds to be built. One day I hope to see the FLOOR of our garage. Jeeze. Waiting is NOT my forte.

hey scarze are welcome to come help out...
Oh, OH, Debe, such a GENEROUS offer, seriously, why, gosh, I just couldn’t. ‘Course you KNOW we’d be getting into so much trouble, my hubby would send the troups out after me! are a funny one....although not much trouble to be found in these parts....guess we could pot up something...;) NO NO that was overe 30 years ago ways...
I say we POOT up something and have a good belly laugh!!

Happy new year sweetie!

Cafe-Mocha vodka-Valium Latte to go.JPG
thank you for remembering that...LOL...I don't care what any one says...your not old and lossing your marbles....LOL
I could go right off you, ya know (gotta use a British accent when reading that)


Okay, okay, I'm kidding...

This is what my greenhouse looks like. It was a kit from CostCo. It was fun putting it together. My granddaughter helped me some on that.


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My neighbors across the street belong to a family that has alot of nurseries in our area.. Recently their irrigation system went out and they sold all their plants for disounted prices. I didn't get much because all they have are shrubs and I am not really in the market for those.. I'm told they have no intention of setting back up... So, I think I am going to make a trip over there and see if they are interested in selling their greenhouses.. They have that three that are probably near the length of my house.. I just want one and I have plenty of room to put it on my five acres...

I hope I'm not disappointed.. I've gotten a little excited just at the thought.. Oh what I could do with just one of them.....

Oh Sweet A-D-D-I-C-T-I-O-N !!!
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