Butterfly Bushes

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Tim in PA

New Member
Hello. My wife transplanted a butterfly bush last year. It seems to be doing really well. So far I'm not a huge fan of it because it is a pain to mow around because it hangs so low. Can these plants be staked somehow so that doesn't happen as much? Would pruning help? Below is a picture of it that I took yesterday. Can I prune this bad boy?

Yes, you can prune your bad boy!
Since they bloom on new wood you can prune it right back removing all the floppy growth!
When you see a leader, or two coming up from the crown you can train it upwards using a stake, or even better, a trellise
Once the first flush of blooms prune it back lightly to encourage more blooms!! If you prune it right you can have blooms right through til fall!
You're welcome!
Buddleia can grow as a small to tall shrub or small tree depending on which zone one lives in, as well as microclimates on the property!
If you have a mild winter then a severe one the whole plant dies down, but regrows from the crown! I always treat mine as herbacious and cut them right down when winter deep freezes kill everything above ground!

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