I think Im killing Rosemary!

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Don't worry fireman you not killing it, it's just the weather, and maybe the nutrients in the soil indoors is a little limited..

i am a huge fan of rosemary as a bedding plant but not necessarily for cooking purposes and it smells divine! last year on a whim i bought 2 upright varieties-"Barbeque" and "Spice Island" and a creeping one "Mrs. Howard's"...i had never grown rosemary before but i became interested in it after an article was printed in the local paper about a va. beach restaurant that had planted it in containers outside their front door. they included a few recipes but the one that piqued my curiosity was using the rosemary stems as skewers for shrimp to be grilled, i thought how smart! well my plants aren't thick enough for skewers yet....but the creeping variety is blooming now.. HPIM0825.jpg

HPIM0826.jpgmy hope is that the bees will discover the blooms,decide they like them and bookmark my rosemary to visit again later, the herb bed is 3' away from the veggie plot. these rosemary plants stayed outside all winter and they are pretty much carefree, i didn't water them after the first month last year and they look great.

Fireman28 i would leave yours in its pot and put it outside after your last frost date.. hopefully you'll find a nice sunny place next to one of your entry doors...the fragrance will be released every time you brush against it...i guess you could call me a rosemary pervert...i can't help but touch one every time i'm near one they smell so good!
This is kind of unrelated but I bought some Thyme and planted it in a pot. I thought it was an annual here in Dallas Texas but I'll be damned if it didn't make it thru the harsh winter we had this year. And I mean harsh. We had three snows this years. I'm wondering if I should plant it in the ground??
I have a heat lamp that I use to grow my seedlings. Maybe a little heat might help the rosemary. I couldnt grow mine from seed so I paid for one at Walmart already grown. I hope mine doesnt die!!
In Arizona this is practically a weed. Everyone uses it for landscaping in the lower elevations. When I moved to Indianapolis I couldn't get it to grow for love nor money.
I have a couple of small bushes on our back porch in a half-barrel. They have survived a couple of our winters so it looks like we will have them long term.

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