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They get pretty healthy like that. One of my relatives had a rattler skin that had been preserved that hung from the ceiling all the way to the floor. It was an 8' wall and even without the head it was still over 7' long.
I've learned many things in the mountains. Never go barefoot at night. Carry a stick always. Flashlight at night even if all seems right. If you feel like somethings watching you,it is. Always look over the log before stepping over it!
Also always shake your shoes out if you leave them on the step, and look before you step outside snakes love to lay on steps. We have killed more moccassins at night than in the day. Oh and potted plants that you can not see into the pot ALWAYS thrash them with a stick BEFORE you stick your hand in to the pot to move it. Every year we have people at places that sell plants get bit by moccassins!
I bet you do. All you have to do is forget once at the wrong time. It is so nice to be able to work in dense cover here and never have to be concerned about things like that.
we have a saying here never put your hand where your eye can't see it .We get a few deadlies here the redback spider is probably the most common, we did live on a farm previous and had a huge king brown sunning itself on our steps.
Did you leave it alone or dispatch the critter? I would have dispatched the critter myself.
I was working on the pond this weekend and out of the corner of my eye I see something bobbing in the water with the fountain. My mind says SNAKE!!!!!! So I jump back and then look and it is a skin going up and down. I turned the pump off and picked up the shed , it was 5 feet that was left of it. It was a Ribbon snake skin and it was very fresh. I guess he had shed in the pond , otherwise I am not sure how it would have gotten in the water.
I have watched Disovery's Most Venomous Creatures and I think you Aussies have the worst. Please be careful!
I am of the same opinion, Crabber. But Australia and New Zealand are two places that I would relish seeing. I have talked with people there via ham radio a number of times through the years and it sounds like a beautiful part of the world.
Randy Australia is on the top of my lottery travel list. I also have a desire to see the Africian Bush and China , Japan, of course Fiji and Tahiti and...............................
See my point!
My son went to tear down a carport that had fallen in over our old family home. He said he heard the rattler before he saw it. After that he saw the tail and he left. My mom was here for the weekend and when I told her, she wanted to know if he killed it. I told her gosh no, it was under some old wood and he had to move things to get to it, plus he was alone. What if he was bitten and couldn't get to help fast enough? It takes an ambulance over an hour to get there and 45 mins for them to get to the nearest hospital. Needless to say she is 76 and fearless. She is not afraid of snakes at all. That really bothers me and my siblings about her at her age. She could get hurt and no one is around, yet she refuses to live with one of us.
That's how old I am too. LOL And I am sure my wife thinks I am pretty stubborn too. But your son did the right thing.
Yes Randy she is very stubborn. My cousins and I had threw a surprise weekend pampering for my mother and her five younger sisters. My aunt Marie's birthday was June 10th so they all thought it was a get-to-gether for her. We put them up in a hotel from Friday to Sunday morning and tried to give them everything we thought their hearts desireds. They are all so used to trying to control everything and every situation including us and it was so hard for the 4 oldest ones but they were so shocked and happy. My mom never cries but she was so emotional on Saturday evening seeing the grands, great-grands, and others at the fish fry. We surprised them in a great way.
I am sure back in the day your Mom was the bomb! I had an edelry lady that lived next to us for about 20 years. Her name was Edna Mae Eady. God I loved that woman. She would go out club a duck in the head and fix him for dinner. I saw her clean a turtle once , what a treat. Funniest thing I ever saw. I also watched her cinge a opossum. The only thing that lady was scared of was what she called weasels! She use to call Tim and tell him they were eating her baby ducks. Never did figure out what was really eating them. But she was fearless, she would go after a snake like no one I have ever seen. Boy do I miss Miss Mac!
Sounds like a fun neighbor to have. I would like to listen to the stories they can tell.
Oh Randy you have no idea. She was something else. She called Tim "Collie Boy" when asked why she said that's what they called hot young men back in her day.
She would call me durning the day and say" Hope you ain't made your supper yet." Then she would call me to the back fence and there would be fried chicke, rice and gravy, green beans, corn bread and a quart of ice cream.
Tim took her some beautiful flounder filets one day and she looked at him like he lost his mind. She said "Where's the heads. I get something out of the head you can't get from that meat"
I ate everything she ever cooked except the Chitterlings. Just couldn't bring my self to open my mouth. ( Shiver)
Makes you wonder what she got from the fish heads. I love to be around people like that. I find them once in awhile at the nursing home. I don't care for chittlins either, but my Dad loved them.
Her husband, "mac", was diabled and wheel chair bound , but had great zest for life. Before he was chair bound he would drive , but he had these really thick glasses and he still couldn't see. He only drove down our dirt rural road . You could always tell when Mr. Mac had been by driving , the mail boxes would be knocked over. He was always calling tim " Mr. Tim" he would say " could you be puttin Mr. So in so's mailbox up for me?" I think Tim replaced every mailbox on our raod more than once. LOL!
Mr. Mac would sit there an eat those fried fish heads , fish going in one side of his mouth and fish bones coming out the other side. We really miss them both much like parents to us. They loved us, would do anything for us, and never seemed to be able to do as much as they wanted. And they were very poor. Funny how little things like jestures of kindness can go so far. What an impact they had on us and our kids. I will have to see if I can find a picture I have of Mrs. Mac witht he kids. Ok I have to stop now I have tears in my eyes. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
