Spider Mites

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Here we go ......... I have a Fern, in the middle a few Impatients growing from seed are all Webed with Spider Mites, i broke off all the Impatients thru them out ! Where do they come from ? Never was outside, What is the best way to get rid of these destructive Crittrers !!!! Ivory soap (Spray bottle) ? one good thing they seem not to like the Fern. With Winter approaching i will be bringing in some Plants in my Sunroom to save for next Spring !!!! Any ideas would be GREAT !!!!!
Spidermites are a pain to get rid of, but with diligence you can use a spray bottle filled with warm water, add a few drops of liquid dish soap and a few drops of cooking oil, shake well and spray. Make sure you get all surfaces, especially under the leaves!
Good advice. Even after treating, I go back and re-do the soap at one- and two- week intervals to try and kill off hatching eggs. Good luck and keep your eyes peeled, once you've had spidermites, they can come back at any time.

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