Squash issue

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New Member
Hello all,

I have a garden started this year in the backyard on a hill. We have Georgia red clay here so I took a tiller to the area and them tilled in 50 bags of compost in a 20X15 area then planted. The garden is doing well, but I have concerns about the squash. I have grown squash before and you usually harvest them before they get the hard darker bumpy skin. But this time they are getting this when they are quite small. Not sure what is causing this as we get regular rain so far and when we don't, I water the garden myself. Attached is an image of what I am talking about.

Thank you for your time


  • 2012-06-05 09.52.15.jpg
    2012-06-05 09.52.15.jpg
    102.9 KB · Views: 370
I see what you are talking about but have no answer. I know they are still edible like that and have experienced it myself but have no answer. maybe Ron does.
Which variety is it?
Looks to be a winter or fall squash!
If it is then you need to let it develop to it's full size for harvesting at the end of the season!
I know summer squash are edible at any stage but are best at a younger age before the seeds mature!
Nancie may recognize the variety and have more info on it.
Went looking and it is a Yellow Bumpy Gooseneck summer squash!
Bumps are normal on this variety!
They are normal on them, however if they are too hard to eat , 2 things can help you salvage them. 1. Pick the squash a little sooner before they get hard and dark, they should be picked before they turn that yellow orange color. 2. more wtaer will help soften the fruits.
Like stated earlier in this thread, changing the type of squash will help. I like summer yellow cooked neck and also summer straight neck. Both have smoth skin ;)

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