Water filters

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New Member
I have a friend that has arsenic in their water. Not sure of the level but the EPA site says it has to be below 10 pp billion. He says he gets letters from the utility warning about "high levels". So, my question to you all is, have you dealt with this and if so what filter did you use? Links to a company or prices, anything helpful will be much appreciated. Thank you. He can't garden if he can't get the level down.
Arsnic was once used (not sure if it still is) on cotton crops, and probably other non and edible crops to control insect pests! Even if they stopped using it arsnic will remain in the soil and water table for a very long period of time!
Arsnic is present in most areas and occure naturally and nominal levels are not a health issue, but higher concentrations can become a health issue!
That's just a bit of trivia!

It is best to know the enemy: http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/qarsenic.asp

Any of the higher end water filtering systems will remove any number of toxic chemicals commonly found in drinking water. So in saying this it will come down to how much much would he be willing to pay for a good filtration system?

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