What did you buy this time?

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Life sure is full of surprises!
I have a gasoline weedwacker and was in need of a replacement spool/line. Anyways,I have to mix the gas with oil on the weedwacker as well. So I head off to get the replacement spool/line ,ok and while there, I started looking around at afew weedwackers ( just because... ) Yep, I came home with a WORX GT weedwacker/edger. * no spark plug,no gas,no oil needed for the badboy all runs on a Ni-Cad battery and the weight of the weedwacker is unreal! * very light *
So now I have 2 weedwackers,but I plan on cleaning the one that needed a replacement spool/line up really good and sell it as I've had it for like 4 yrs.
* I guess I'm not safe to go out and get afew things b/c I end up buying something completely different then I start out to get. ( looks like I will be pleased with this purchase though and that will help cover my tracks for doing what I did there as well -- at least I hope ) :p
Great purchase Phil. I want to buy a new one also.

I didn't buy anything but I entered a sweepstakes at Houston Garden Centers and won a $100 gift card. I was surprised when I got an email that I had won and that they needed my address. I was still not convinces but it arrived in the mail last week. Everything is now 50% off so I guess I will be buying some plants I really, really wanted.
Hey congrats on the win Dor, happy spending! Bought 2 Louisiana Iris, hope they're different colours.
That's awesome Dor!

I bought irrigation parts to build a sprinkler. I like to use the pop up sprinklers on a stand , it gets more area coverage fasted.
Also bought tub and tile caulk.
Local nursery had Ixoras for sale 2 for the price of one.......I think they'll stay in their pots for a while until I find some room lol
WEll this isn't plant related but so excited about the bargains so wanted to share
Our local SAM's club somehow got 3 truck loads of produce so they are having a massive sale to get rid of it
12 oz blackberries for 1.19
3 lbs grapes 2.39
10 lbs huge yellow onions 1.95
10 lbs red potatoes 2.39
cantaloupe 1.49
cherries 2 lbs for 3.50
6 pk of romaine lettuce for 2.51
pineapple for 1.50
I called my friend that has a daycare and brought her with me and she was so excited about how cheap everything was. Sure wished it lasted longer as I would have bought more but can only eat so much before it spoils
Great deals Laurie. You should have bought more and canned or frozen it.

I bought wide mouth canning jars and regular jars to finish putting up my tomatoes.
I went back and bought 16 blackberries and I'm going to freeze them, can't beat that price

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