Why aren't my grapes growing?

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New Member
I ordered a bareroot grape start and planted it about a month ago....it hasn't shown any signs of growing, at all!! I know it is still alive because the twigs are slightly bendy, but I think it is dying. Help?!
No buds? Is there a customer service number you can call?

What area are you in? Well by this point in the year most everything in the ground should be going, at least in the US.

I have bought two of the cheap boxed grape vines from bigbox stores. The first never even started growing. The second is in a different area and is taking off.
I had one do the same thing, I gave it a full year and it became compost for next season. Given the prices of grape trees around this time I wouldn't be too worried about getting another or exchanging the one you got. I bought a 2-3 year old grape tree from lowes for like $11 and it will have grapes on it this season.

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