11.5 lb cauliflower - what do ya think?

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So my Cauliflower started looking like it was spreading out a bit so I went ahead and cut it off. I used a hack saw to remove it from the stem. Here's a picture for ya (comparison to that of a quarter)

Yeah, I was looking on youtube and it's usually between 2-3lbs my question is ... do they only allow it to get to that size or do they get that size normally and have to be harvested? ALso does it hurt it any to break it up a bit as I don't got anything big enough so I can give it a saltwater bath. I'm sure my family will know as I am not the cook, but the producer of raw materials haha!
That's an awesome cauliflower. You're going to have to have some help eating all that. LOL
I had to use a hack saw to get it off the stem, and then it took me a good ten minutes to get rid of all the remaining leaves so I could get it trimmed all the way back to the cauliflower.
Did you grow this organically, or did you use fertilizer to get it so big? I hope that I have similar success this summer, but I have a feeling you've been gardening for a long time to have these kind of results.
I know I am kinda new here and to gardening/planting in general but.
The question I would have to add is.
Do you know what kind it is? May seem kind out there if you will, but same idea I got some sunflowers for my daughter and they are supposed to get 16' tall. Figured 10 at most till I got home and looked at them.
Could be a "prize winner" or "fair" breed.
Could be like you are thinkin that it just get's big if you don't harvest it.
It was a green cauliflower from a burpee seed pack. Three the rest in my garden and tossed the package. I saw the same pack a Wally world but next time I'll look.
How did I miss this thread? LOL! Oh my, that's a lot of veggie!
I have the same question KCB does. Did you use fertilizer. I have a neighbor who was a commercial farmer and his veggies are huge like that too, but he uses commercial fertilizer and I am afraid I might glow green like that cauliflower if I eat them. All those shemicals scare me.
My mixture of soil is roughly 1/3 sand (was using this as a means of cheap rockdust) smallest stuff the rock quarry had, 1/3 1 year+ horse manure (was tested for safety), 1/3 of coco coir and peat moss. Now all the beds are being topped off with organic compost and rock dust. Btw all the dirt removed to make the in ground raised bed wasn't reused, may have been more pricey this way but the amount of weeds I have to pull is minimal and at best 10 a month.
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Ok I am coming over for cauliflower. That is just awesome Mark!
I was afraid it was a "Monsanto" giant.

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