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Hello Everyone, I am Andrea 34 years of age, and I have a passion for alot of things but gardening happens to be the biggest thing on my heart.. I moved into a duplex that has my own backyard with a privacy fence and I went to the back of the yard and it was a garden there by the previous tennant and I want to pick up where she left off! (pictures coming soon of the garden that was there) I need HELP! I have no idea about a garden my great grandmother had a garden but I didnt pay any attention, so I need HELP, dont know where to start or what to do, but its my passion because I just started eating healhty.. and I want to grow my own veggies and some fruit! Its a good size garden BUT HELP WHERE DO I START? Whats first?
Hey there Andrea it is great to meet you.
You will get lots of great help here.
What part of Texas are you from. Do you know your hardiness zone. If you can find your zone then that will really help. (google hardiness zone map and see where you live and check the color then you will find your zone.)
Hi good to see you here. I'm in Texas and I guess the first thing you need is a shovel.lol If you have this clay soil in Austin you need to amend it with compost or something. Last summer was a heart break with the drought and heat but it can be done and it has to rain sometime.
Hello and Welcome to the place....Yes as lyn said a shovel is a good start :) ...Look forward to the pictures ...also as Kay asked what gardening zone you live in...You said a little garden is already in so that is great...Look forward to seeing you around the place
Welcome, Andrea. If we know the city or general location we can probably help with the hardiness zone as that may be a term unfamiliar to a new gardener.
Welcome to the forum! :D All the information you'll need is here. If the previous tenant was gardening then the soil is prolly already fixed up some. Here's a zone map that can help you decide what zone you're in. :)


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