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The chore I selected was getting some radio tower sections put away. I got the last sections up out of the way and then took down the rigging I used to lift them up. By the time I got that done, it was time to head for the blood drive. There were two different nurses that asked what my birthdate was and neither one of them even blinked when I told them the year was 1834. I have only been caught twice when I was fooling with them.
I do believe in playing ~ I 'play' with the washer. I play with the pets. Maybe this is why I taught school ~ I believe in playtime ~ :)

LOL I have playtime all the time no matter what I or play
My Dads words in lectures to me are one part of what he taught me that I will never let go of... " The only difference between work and play is in your attitude young lady"....I finally found the right least in the high 90% of the time.
Curbie, even my wife hasn't figured that one out yet. I told her last night that I sang to the phlebotamist that drew my blood. She told me that her name was Mary Ann. But I had already looked at her badge so I told her I knew that already. She came back to check on me a few minutes later and I asked her if anybody had ever teased her about her name as it reminded me of a couple of songs. One of the songs was in a musical called "New Moon" that starred Nelson Eddy and Jeannette McDonald back in the 1930's. But the other song was a popular song deom the 50's. I sang part of that one to her and had those around me laughing. Some of the owrds follow -

Mary Ann, oh Mary Ann, won't you marry me?
We shall have a bamboo hut and children by the sea.
Leave your fat old mama hone, she never will say yes.
What mama don't know now, she can guess.

Mary Ann told me I had made her day. LOL
Been pretty quiet in here for a few days. I have been pretty busy, but nothing really strenuous. We had the seniors group come here yesterday for the annual burger feed. Had a decent turnout and the weather sort of cooperated. I bought one of those canopies when they were on sale and it came in handy yesterday as it rained while I was grilling. It isn't my imagination as the days are getting shorter and reminding me that fall is on the horizon. Man, I have enjoyed this summer.
Randy, you are hilarious,but look what you did.........Curby is probably searching the forums to see what and where you said all those bad things about her.......haha, she hasn't been back since the 7th.

Sounds like your hamburger cookout was a great success.

I went out a few times yesterday to pick up some of the neighbors trash that always blow in my ditch. Lo and behold, there were dark clouds gathering from the NW and it actually dropped a bit of moisture on us. I sure was happy about that, and notice on the local radar that there are once again some little green spots moving around down the coast, so I'm hoping that we get a bit more. I measured an inch in the guage this morning. The leaves in the trees were doing a happy dance as the droplets hit them, so I know the plants are happy today too.

Nothing exciting going on here. I made a quick trip to town today to pick up some medicine and a few odds and ends.............of course it was hot again, but that's least there were steamy clouds up there:eek:)
RANDY<<< :) Enjoy that rain, FrogLady. I honestly have been listening to the crickets in the evenings thinking, "Hm... we complain about the summer but it will be gone shortly." In our neck of the woods, I will bet we get slammed in September. We certainly could use some rain but someone else provides that. Had an inkling for a pot of...chili today so in 85°, we have chili ~ but not tonight, has to sit. I do believe I have moved along to fall ~ C.
Marie, I have received some strange looks when I have said that to people (I take back all those bad things I said about you). LOL I'm sure they wonder what I may have said. One of the things I have said at a restaurant though that I think is funny, but I'm sure the waiter/waitress may think otherwise, is to order polish sausage. I have received various responses all the way from a disdainful correction to a joining in of the fun. It's just one of those idiotsyncrasies of our language. I haven't done that for awhile now though as the waitress just looks at me and asks if I want the "usual". The "usual" is bacon and scrambled eggs with burnt hashbrowns and rye toast and a side order of two scrambled eggs. Of that, MF will snag the side order of eggs, a piece of bacon, a slice of toast, and some hashbrowns. One of the other ladies at the table will take another piece of the bacon and sometimes one of the guys will take another one. So I get either one or two pieces of the bacon. My normal breakfast at home is just one piece anyway, so I am happy with that.
On the way to Pittsburgh, there is (no kidding) a mountain named "Polish Mountain" and there's on named "Negro Mountain". Being from Pgh., we are very respectful of ethinic things. IF YOU KNOW the person, they don't mind if you call them and ethnic name. Polish population in Pgh. is huge but you get a group of them in your kitchen and tell a Polish joke, THEY come up with 200 of them. People are people. The world should not revolve around stress ~ it should revolve around laughter and happiness. *That was an opinion. ~
That's true. I did make a mistake one time and tell a Polish joke to a Polish engineer. He didn't see the humor in it. I never told him another joke of any kind though after that. I worked for a Polish chemist for quite awhile when I worked at the rocket plant and he was one of the most brilliant men I ever knew.
Randy's a ROCKET scientist ! (RW) But being from Pittsburgh. PA , which is VERY ethnic, we embrace that. Our neighbor across this little street said,"HAY! My broder-in-law is in that hospital your Dad's in. When yinz goin' up?" It happened to be the next day. She said,"Now listen to me........go in that hospital and on the 3rd floor, you just yell,"JOEY, JOEY ~ Joey Fagilioli. Where the h_ _ _ are you? He'll hear you. He'll tell you. Just listen ~ nobody listens to Joey but YOU LISTEN!" Sure Sharon ~ I asked her if she was Jewish/Baptist/Irish Polish Italian. "Here's what I am ~ YOUR NEIGHBOR!" ok ~ she has moved but we are friends forever b/c it really doesn't matter what we profess to. We chose or we chose not. We enjoy or we chose not to enjoy. Deal with 'it' or don't deal with 'it'. Maybe I should be Secretary of State ~ :)
Supposed to get pretty hot here today and I am taking it pretty easy I think. But I still have to pick beans and service the tractor. Servicing the tractor though is actually fun.
I fell I ma a fine negotiator ~ but in Pittsburgh we call it BS'er. I'll keep 'noegotiator. My husband just about loses his mind and says," NOW you're acting like Tyler Perry and MEDIA GOES TO JAIL! never've always been like this..." ~ I love to 'win' :) ~ C.
Well, to tell you the truth, those stories about the south and prejudice are mostily all media drama to keep the world stirred up. I worked with every ethnic group there is on the face of the earth when I was waitressing, and most of them were fine folks.I'm caucasion but I've known quite a few of those that were rotters too, so what we are is people. I met Dor at the quilt show in Houston and I wanna tell you they don't come finer. Wish everyone here could meet her in person.

I came from farm stock, and we did have a few folks in our family with enough money to get along pretty well, but there were times my immediate family didn't fit in that class, but we were still all family, and happy for the Aunts and Uncles that were better off. When a family is as large as mine, the races get a bit blended. Within the family group we have Bohemian, German, English, Mexican, Phillipean, Hawaiian, Irish, and a few cousins that I don't know what country their spouses came from and when we get together, we're just family without any barriers. Lordy, I wish the whole world could be peaceful:eek:)
I'm always a little taken aback at the folks who would be appalled at ethnic jokes, but go out of their way to tell me dumb blond jokes. I don't get offended, but you have to wonder at their line of reasoning. Shoot, people don't just go out of their way to tell me blond jokes, they fwd fwd fwd me gigabytes of the things.

I probably wouldn't find it so bemusing if they were actually funny.
Thank you Marie and I feel the same way about you. I have been blessed in my lifetime to have formed many friendships because I try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated. I must say it doesn't always work. I am looking forward to the Quilt show this year. I am thinking about taking a couple of the classes.
I thought we were to be the melting pot ~ now, I guess , of the world. Hispanic people are a wealth of information as well as the Asian Pacific folks. Our world doesn't seem to be based around one nationality like possibly how our parent's raised us to believe in. Every person we meet is an opportunity ~ C. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
