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I doubt you will ever like them, Sailor, but if they help you it will make them worthwhile. I believe they will help you even more than you think.

I know..I know..I know........ But doesn't mean I have to be happy about it!!!!:mad:

And yes, you deserve a hearty 'thank you' also for serving our country.

No kind sir..Thank You!!!!

if it wasn't for what you did in Korea...I wouldn't have been able to do my part against Iraq...

((((HUG! HUG! HUG! HUG!)))


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I was inside most of the day around here. I did have to go to the market to pick up a few items to complete my dinner. I made lentil soup and a batch of biscuits. I played with the computer a bit too and put some more music onto CD. This is music that we have on the old LP records. I play them into the computer and then convert them into digital files so I can transfer them to CD's.
Well.........guess I have nothing intelligent to say ~ other than, "I just did that the other day too ............ " Do you ever sleep??? ~ Curbie
Oh, yeah! Sleeping is a habit I got into a long time ago. For years though, I got up at 5:00 to get to work in Portland by 7:00 and beat at least some of the morning commute traffic. After retirement, I shut off the alarm but still got up at 5:00 or shortly before that. Then I started slipping. My wife keeps me up past 10:30 now and I hardly ever get up before 6:00. I have been working on reading a very thick book on WW2 lately and I made it to the halfway mark yesterday. The name of the book is "The Pacific War, 1941-1945" by John Costello. It is well over 700 pages long with pretty small print and just a few pictures. Thus far though, it has been pretty thorough about detail. That has kept me up a bit later than usual also.
AND I went to a craft show today to give something to a fellow photographer and some fellow was selling his FIRST children's book AND I told him you were reading a 700-ish page book. His illustrator is in London b/c.....I only looked at THE PICTURES< :) He plans on turning this into a series. I is titled: Blackbear the Pirate. I've read the preface: "So that you may never grow up & I may never grow old." see......i'm done and I can look at the pictures :) ~ Curbie
I've never tried writing any kind of a child's story. I really don't think I would be any good at it.
We all have our strengths. Last evening, one of the neighborhood kids came over and he was THRILLED to announce,"I GOT MY REPORT CARD and for the FIRST TIME, I didn't get ANY C's or D's! I am doing GREAT now!" He is in a functional school program and actually goes to work in the morning (by school bus) at a local department store to fold clothes and then to regular school. He said,"NOW I qualify to play a SPORT!!!" It's too late to put in your form for basketball and he is REALLY good at it.... I'm going to try to contact the P.E. teacher at his school to see if he can at least 'sit' on the bench.~ Curbie
All my grandchildren have been here this weekend and my son is here from out of down. I had just recieved my transsript from my school years from my sister and I showed it to the three oldest ones. They are 12, 10, and 9, all boys. They were so impressed. That was my chance to really talk to them about paying attention in school, to not talk back and not disrespect their teachers and parents, to study hard, and that they can do the same. My oldest grandson Kenneth Jr. asked my son this morning if he knew how well I did in school and that I only made one C in all my school years? I told him he came from me and I know that he can do that too just try harder and do his best. That is all that is expected to do their best.
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That's good input. My grandson here is on the honor roll and I had to admit to him that was something I never did. I didn't really have to, but I did anyway. It wasn't until I got out of the navy that I really got serious about school.
Thanks Curbie and Randy. The three older boys are so happy and impressed that their granny is so smart. I am glad I could show them on paper and not just talk to them about the importance of education. I am printing out the Muliplication tables for Kameron the 10 year old he is having problems with math. I have given them to Kennth, Jr(12) and Tyler(8)and already.
Multiplication tables for 9 ~ I can teach 'you'/them how to cheat.....a child in my class taught me this and it has to do with your fingers. It is the COOLEST thing ! I encourage success and it works every time. I looked like a dummy in front of the class saying,"HEY! This WORKS. Listen to Jonah." He taught the whole class the 9's tables ~ :)
Dorothy, I had my two granddaughters here this weekend and did almost the same thing. Talked to them about respecting their parents and teachers and buckle down and LEARN. I think a lot of kids just go to school anymore to build social popularity instead of feeling privilaged to be ABLE to get an education. I think I might have gotten through to them when I told them they are living the easiest years they will ever have again. Within 4 years they will both have graduated and from then on it's rent, car payment, college tuition, possibly a husband and children and there isn't much time left for them to ENJOY being able to just sit and listen to someone who is trying to put their brains in order to be responsible enough to handle what life is fixing to hand them.
For once I didn't get the eyerolling and looking off into the distance while I as talking and there was quite a bit of eye to eye for the first time they 'got it' that Nana might have a brain after all!! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
