Wanted Seeds for growing dry beans

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Kya D

Active Member
Does any of you grow heirloom dry beans AND could you share a few seeds with me.
I want to try growing some this next year
Dawn, about 12 years ago I bought some Blue Lake pole beans as seed and have continued to use seed from those beans that I grow ever since. I have about a quart od beans for seed at the present time. I have never tried to cook them as dried beans, but I don't know why that should make any difference. If I wanted to harvest them for dried beans I would surely try them and also plant pinto beans as a backup. My guess is that pinto beans are a bush bean though.
I might have some of the purple hull crowders, I will have to see if I have any left. Also who knows what is kicking around in the bin. I will let you know what I have :)
Randy I would love to try some of your bean seeds. I will send postage if you would like to share. Thanks
CG if you have some purple hull crowders or anything you can find I would be thrilled to try them. I will send postage just let me know.
Thanks to both of you.
Oh, don't worry about that. I'll make up a small package for you. I'll also write myself a note so I don't forget.
Will dry seeds from the supermarket grow beans? I heard there is a coating on store bought beans that prevents them from sprouting. I don't recall seeing any beans when I picked up my gardening supplies. Has anyone planted dry beans intended for cooking to grow bean plants?
I was given a few different kinds of seeds for dry beans ( thanks Randy)
One that I am excited to try this year are called mortgage lifters.. they are really big white beans.
I have some Kentucky Wonder Brown Pole Beans.
I would be willing to give up probably about 2 of the paper envelope's worth. I don't know if they are heratige or not though. They are from Livingston Seed Co.
I do have some Roma II and Dwart Hort I would be willing to give up. Both bush, I know the Dwarf are not heratige, not sure about the Roma got those from the Coop.

Crabbergirl if you don't mine I would like to try some of your Purple Hull Crowders. Are they bush or pole? And either way thank you.

If you want something from me, I would be more then happy to help you out. My pickings are kinda small now though. Gave away alot to family and friends here.
I do know I have some beets, lettuce, tomatoes. Would have to look for the rest.

Anyone else wants some I don't have alot left to give out, but I would be happy to help.
OMGosh KCB I would love to try some Kentucky wonder brown bean seed.
I will be glad to send postage
I am sure I will only need 10 or 12 seeds.
Please let me know how we want to make this happen.
Just send me a PM and we will talk
I don't think they put a coating on store beans. I would buy a few and try them. I bet they do fine.
I know some of mine do have a coating from the Coop, but the Kentucky Wonder do not. They came from Rual King though.
I do think your right though Randy, I don't ever recall seeing a "store" bought (grocery, walmart, lowes, etc..) seed with a coating.
Some bean seed for planting is treated with fungicide, but that has to be a bright pink color so you know not to eat them. Beans sold as food don't have a coating. Where do these rumors come from anyway.....
That pink coating is the pre-treatment inocculant seed companies coat bean and pea seeds!! The inocculant is a nitrogen fixing bacteria the bean and pea plants require for proper flower and pod production! Some areas do not have this bacteria present in their soils so it is a good insurance for healthy plants.
KCB I got the beans today.
Thank you so much for sending them, I am just waiting now til I can get them in the ground.
Thanks again

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