I planted........

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dear mainegal&smiley, i plant my lettuce&spinach in containers on the back porch too..we don't have a lot of room so the veggie plot is reserved for the tomatoes, cukes and eggplant...i looked and looked here for "red sails" lettuce seed with no luck, i'm going to have to buy plants from the local feed&seed store...it is nice to walk out the back door with my scissors in hand to clip the makings of a good salad for dinner, (the radishes are in a separate container). i started an herb bed last year but i might need to rethink that...i noticed wed. that the rosemary was blooming and kinda got the idea that maybe a bed of rosemary would be nice..just thinking.....
I meant to say has anyone bough cucumber plants before above. I need to proofread more often. I am going to buy a couple I think.

Dor we always buy cucumber plants for our garden. We get the bush cucumber, takes up less space.
We're getting our seeds together for Spring planting. Ordered a few, picked some up at the local feed and seed, and Wally World. RJ loves the Peaches and Cream corn..he got lots of that.


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My brother helps us get the gardening started with his tractor. He disced up the garden spots this morning. It's ready to add fertilizer and make rows now.


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Does he ever use a plow before discing? My neighbor across the road is a retired farmer and he told me he almost quit using a plow altogether.
No Randy, he justs discs it up really nice. RJ (hubby) has a gadget that attaches to the back of the 4 wheeler (ATV) that spreads the fertilizer and lime. After all that is done, we make rows with the tiller, then we proceed with a hoe.
The farmers around me have planters for corn and soy beans. It makes the row as it sows the seeds. Plows are almost a thing of the past now. I remember the old plows pulled by horses and mules. My Dad used them back in the 40's and 50's before he owned a tractor. It was 1965 when he bought his first tractor. I remember so well his plowing in the fields with a mule pulling the plow. He owned 3 mules..I guess one for each of my brothers..I'm so glad I was a girl..
We have part of a plow that David uses for decoration. The plow blade is gone, but the handles are in pretty good shape. It's one of the old horse/mule drawn setups. They have an annual competition over in the next county of draft animals. You should see the dirt fly behind those huge horses. The horses are beautiful too. I have some pictures somewhere that I took, but I would have to scan them before I could post any. I don't think I took any of the actual plowing though. They were moving pretty fast and I was using an old bellows camera from the 40's.

No Randy, he justs discs it up really nice. RJ (hubby) has a gadget that attaches to the back of the 4 wheeler (ATV) that spreads the fertilizer and lime. After all that is done, we make rows with the tiller, then we proceed with a hoe.
The farmers around me have planters for corn and soy beans. It makes the row as it sows the seeds. Plows are almost a thing of the past now. I remember the old plows pulled by horses and mules. My Dad used them back in the 40's and 50's before he owned a tractor. It was 1965 when he bought his first tractor. I remember so well his plowing in the fields with a mule pulling the plow. He owned 3 mules..I guess one for each of my brothers..I'm so glad I was a girl..
miss goria, you have waaayyy more gardening room than i have....i hope you have seen the pix of my little 12'X12' veggie plot....i don't rototill b/c we filled the plot with compost...and a little peat moss for water retension...3 parts compost to 1 part pm....i try my best not to walk on the growing areas and i sift the soil(???) to provide a porous medium for this years plants....it might be a small piece of land but i hope it will be as fruitful as yours...i would like to be a farmer...you guys do soooo much...i envy you!!!!:):):):)
Well, Miss Taonya, I would plant a garden if my space was 3' x 3'. I am totally spoiled though with the space I have. It is a bit over 1700 square feet.
yesterday I planted (in peat pots)

Red English Daisy
himulayan blue poppy
butterfly weed
blue false indigo
white swan coneflower
red&white columbine
Yellow hibiscus
white musk mallow
iceland poppy
white datura
blue lupine
blue splish splash geranium
white fan columbine
ruby port columbine
italian aster
orchard ble geranium
blue bird delphinium
white holly hocks

I've got moon flower and sunflower seeds soaking which will get planted tommorrow

plus I gots some bulbs to plant :D
Do you count your seeds, Sailor? I know with flowers, they are often rather miniscule. I start my seeds directly in 4" pots and put two seeds in each pot. I don't do flowers though. I just have tomatos and peppers going in the greenhouse.
Do you count your seeds, Sailor? I know with flowers, they are often rather miniscule. I start my seeds directly in 4" pots and put two seeds in each pot. I don't do flowers though. I just have tomatos and peppers going in the greenhouse.

sorta....depends on the size of the seed..and since I don't do good with seeds normally I put in extra for good measure :D
All the ones I use are at least visible. I have seen some though (flowers) that were so small, they looked more like dust. My other son-in-law was by here today and he joined me in the greenhouse. They have put in a single raised bed in their back yard and he was wondering if I would have some extra plants. I will.
today I planted

Moonflowers and sunflowers (after soaking for a couple of days)

5 lollypop lilies
3 final touch day lilies
3 mixed lilies
and an Arum Cornutum in a pot (not hardy here)

I found anothe pack of peat pots and BF is gonna bring me home some more meat trays to put them in so more seeds!!! ;)

(He works for the company that makes the plastic trays that you find
at some grocery stores meat departments)
they are the niftiest things for pellets
All the ones I use are at least visible. I have seen some though (flowers) that were so small, they looked more like dust. My other son-in-law was by here today and he joined me in the greenhouse. They have put in a single raised bed in their back yard and he was wondering if I would have some extra plants. I will.

hehehe.... doesn't that make you smile? I LOVE it when one of the kids gets interested in gardening...you know they're in it for life then.... :D I always start a few extras too, for that occasion!
All of my cucumber and tomatoe seeds have sprouted now, and my basil and dill too...peas are up and I need to get out there and plant more today! which means I need to get off the computer!! :D
I attended a class today at our local library. They do these almost every month and today was a good one. There were two farmers and a young lady that spoke. The suibject was CSA, consumer supported agriculture. That is something I had not heard of before, but it caught on back east before travelling out here to the west. There are a couple (or more) ways to do it. As a consumer, I can buy units and get fresh vegetables from the farm in season. They have different ways to do the units, such as a head of cabbage might be two units, etc. Another thing they do is the people do volunteer labor for a fixed number of hours to earn their vegetables. Both the farmers are heavily into providing healthy chemical free food though and I learned some things about market foods.

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