What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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36F with mostly clear skies.
Light breeze out of the east...
Going up to around 52 this afternoon with rain on the way fro this evening.
We had intermittent rain all day yesterday with temperatures remaining below 50 degrees. It is 41 degrees outside right now with overcast sky.
Your robins are just showing up. We have some that stay all winter but the flocks showed up a few weeks ago.
Yes spring is here, hopefully to stay. This weekend felt like Jan, it was so windy and cold.
60's today and I worked 7-7:30, so didn't get to enjoy it. More for tomorrow I hope
We are cloudy, humid, and windy today. A repeat of yesterday. Little chance of rain today but tomorrow is another story.
Overcast with a light wind out of the west.
Had thunderstorms and periods of torrentail downpoors last evening.
The second system is on it's way for this evening and ovenight with more rain and thunderstorms.
There will be more after that, with more rain!
We can sure use the rain!
The lake level is lower then last year!!!!
I got chased inside by rain twice yesterday while I was working on my trailer. It wasn't supposed to rain today, but it was sprinkling when I came home from my visit to the nursing home. It's 44 degrees out there now and overcast with sprinkling rain.
70 here today and sunny.......what a day to be outside......wish it would stay, but its going to drop 20 degrees thur and fri.....
laurie, glad your getting robins up there in maine.....its a good sign......hang in there.....spring is on the way....
Passing showers all week so far....75F during the day....rain should eventually slow down when we reach the dry season of winter
We woke up to rain this morning. The temps are still up there but with a passing front will be dropping today. It is 74 right now but will drop as soon as the clouds break.
It is not raining presently, but that will change. The sky is solid overcast and the temperature is 53 degrees.
It was raining again this morning and is clearing up now. It is 45 out this morning and going up to 73 this afternoon. Don't you just love spring weather?
It has been raining all week, and it will be another rainy day today!
At least we did not get the freezing rain they forecasted!
We just have to grin and bear it until these weather systems finally clean out!
We had a few sprinkles yesterday but it was dry and cloudy for the most part. The temperature stayed in the 50's for the high and last night dipped into the 30's.
It started out cool this morning and warmed up really nice. The kindergarteners really enjoyed their time on the playground. It was up to 75 by the time we went home. it only gets nicer tomorrow and that is a blessing as I need to plant the dozen plants I picked up at the wildflower center today.
We had sleet, freezing rain, and snow yesterday
Today it's chilly out 40's What happened to spring????
Looks like another dark, dank and drizzly day here!
At least the temps are staying above freezing!
41F and that is our high for today!
Might see the sun tomorrow!
We had heavy rain during the night and that has slowed down to occasional showers now. The sky is heavily overcast now and the temperature is 49 degrees.
finally sunshine this morning.......rain and gloom for days.......only 43 this morning.....hopefully the temps will go up later....
It's sunny, not a cloud in sight! First time in over a week!
No winds either!
Should get up above 46 this afternoon with a few clouds!
Calling for a high of 66 tomorrow!!!!
Was sunny and about 50, worked in the yard for a bit until the hail and rain came
suppose to warm up this week and be sunny, sure would be nice

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