What's the weather in your area? 2015 Edition

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I made a mistake. When I heard the weather report last evening, I found out that I exceeded the high for the day by 10 degrees. But we did make it to 60 degrees today and it may have rained some around us but I only saw a couple of sprinkles here during the partly cloudy day.
43F and overcast.....
Light wind out o fthe north.
Not expecting any amount of rain but clearing this afternoon with partly sunny and a high of 61.
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We had such a beautiful day today and I was able to drive around some and enjoy it. No clouds and 69 degrees. I suppose it can get better than that but I'm not sure how.
46 and fairly clear sunny skies.
Going up to 61 this afternoon.....with light winds out of the NE....
lovely yesterday with blue skies and 65. this morning is 50 and gloomy. rain for lateron maybe, 20 %.
It was clear here for most of the day but the clouds started rolling in about 4:00 PM. The temperature was about 65 degrees but I never did check the thermometer today.
Got up to70 on the deck, but hovered back and forth from 65 all day... had mostly sun but the thin clouds persisted!
The winds have been variable but mostlylight out of the SW.....
Should get up to 70 tomorrow and mostly sunny before the weather changes on Monday! Rain and thunderstorms!
At my humble homestead, in Galesburg, IL:
Yesterday: Warm--low 80's, dry, sunny, windy. Nice!
Last night: T-storms.
This morning: High 50's, humid. (Got me good 'n' sweaty on my run.)
Today: High of 75, partly cloudy, t-storms through the afternoon and evening.
It's supposed to be warm--low 80's--with rain off 'n' on all week.
We're SO GRATEFUL for the warmer temps and rain! We've been cold 'n' dry here.
We had both sunshine and clouds today with a high of 73 degrees. We will ge catching the front edge of a storm front this evening or tomorrow morning. That means rain.
know what you mean about cold and dry, we were like that too until mid april.
60 here this morning, grey, humid and gloomy. rain sometime today.
Cloudy all day with a light wind out of the NE....rain and thunderstorms posssible... was 67 but dropped to 59.
50F with a light wind ut of the NE. Mostly cloudy but clearing. Going up to 66F with a humidex of 70 (they are finally talking about humidex).....going to be in the 70's for the 5 days!!!! Yippy!!!
its raining here and 45 this morning. it dropped overnight. the sun will return lateron this afternoon, and be 70 today, then tomorrow back to the 80's. and yes, they are talking humidity here as well. been a long time since they said that word.

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