What's wrong with my blueberry bush?

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New Member
I am new to any kind of gardening. I ordered a Sunshine Blue blueberry bush which came delivered in a pot. It's very small still. A few of the leaves on top were brown. I got it a week ago and planted it about 5 days ago in a 20" container with 50/50 mix potting soil and peat and a sprinkle of plant food. I do think I may have over watered a bit, but it isn't droopy. I just bought me one of those soil checkers so I can figure out when to water better.

Anyway, I am noticing some of the leaves have brown spots on them and it's getting worse. There are one or two stems that look great and the rest have spots. I took some pics. Does anyone know what the cause is and how I can fix it?


brown leaves
I don't know what the brown spots are, but I do know that blueberries are shallow-rooted and need lots of water. A meter is a good idea though.

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