Coping With Life's Changes a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

In Ontario you can make a left hand turn on a red light if the street you are on is a one way and you are turning onto another one way! You cannot if the streets are both ways. You can make a right hand turn on a red if the way is clear.....but don't try it in Quebec!
Each province has their own rules so it is best to look it up!
We can make a left turn onto a one-way street from a two-way street. I didn't believe it the first time someone told me that, but I looked it up in the vehicle code and it was true. There are so many people though that are not aware of that ability. It isn't legal to do that in California though unless they have changed it since we moved from there over 40 years ago.
Around here in Illinois we have people who make left hand turns from red across 4 lanes of traffic.

The law as just tweaked this summer that a motorcycle or bike can blow a red light as long as they come to a full stop and there is no traffic crossing. I still can't believe this one. Not to mention that Illinois does not require motorcycle helmets.
I can understand why a state would not require a helmet, but I can't understand why a rider would not wear one. I feel the same way about seat belts. Why should the government have to mandate common sense? Ron is going to tell me to quit talking politics.
Seat belts and m/bike helmets have been mandatory here for well over 30're also required to wear a modified helmet when you ride a bicycle.
Common sense pretty much sums up the requirements for seatbelts and helmets!
Seems that common sense is in short supply these days and it should be taught in school at an early age so we wouldn't have all the serious accidents we have today!
Laws are there for a good purpose and if people refuse to abide by the rules they should not be driving a car, nor riding a motorcycle, or a bike, regardless to where one lives!
I know the laws are necessary because without them people won't use their common sense. Even with the laws, they won't always abide by them. One of our most recent changes has been to make the use of cell phones (in the hand) unlawful to use while driving. But it doesn't seem to have curtailed their use. To make matters even worse, people are injured or killed every day it seems because they were using their phones for texting while driving. The laws shouldn't be necessary, but they are.
Generally speaking~ people are stupid!
Multi-tasking should not happen behind the wheel!
Problem is that there are too few police on the roads to enforce the laws!
They only show up after an idiot dies because he/she was on his cell phone talking about nothing that is important rather then paying attention to what he/she has to do while behind the wheel doing 100mph!
Yup! People are stupid to what's really important!
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I have wondered what may be going through the minds of those around me especially in respect to my ability to get around. I know I am not nearly as steady on my feet as in years past. I am close to needing a cane all the time now and I will use mine especially when the ground is uneven. That third support point is a godsend.


I think someone as sharp as you are will be aware of their limitations, like Tim is now. He drives but only in our local area and never on the interstate anymore.
The cane is a great thing to rely on. Tim used one for sometime, but since he is not really doing much walking he isn't using it. I want to get him a suped up golf cart so he can ride around the yard and go visit our one neighbor without driving the truck. I think he will like that.
I agree with Ron, in general people are stupid. Hey if you don't want to wear a seat belt or helmet, and your melon gets split on the pavement, 2 things should apply. 1.) If you don't have insurance my taxes should not pay your medical bill. 2.) If you do have insurance , your stupidity should not raise everyones rates across the board, only yours should go up, and your insurance should not be responsible for paying your bills if you were not diligent in using due care to protect your melon! They should call it the "stupidity clause"
Where there are accidents there will always be stupid people. Half the people on the road are caused by accidents, according to research anyway;)
My parents just moved to Tennessee. They live 80 min away. Mom had always been independent. She has become needy.She is almost afraid to drive now. Have been to see her often to help unpack, ect. Since I am in poor health, all this traveling wears me out. I can't driveto the city, cause of back pain I cant sit up that long. A local pastor has offered to help her with grocery shopping, things about the home. I wish she would let him help.
John, you are funny.

Styx, it would have been better if your mother had moved closer. I know what you mean about that distance though. It's close enough for an occasional visit, but too far to do it very often. I saw this morning our gasoline was back up to $3.59 a gallon too.
Randy, thank you lol Some folks don't get that one liner at all....:D

Styx my mum was just as independent and wouldn't accept help from anyone. So I just decided to start buying her groceries online and having them delivered to her home. Nothing huge just every couple of weeks or so. Luckily both my wife and I are in good health and working full time so we're able to afford it. She was annoyed at first and said I was wasting my money etc. but I just kept buying them for her and now she's fine with it.....took a while though, but I just persisted!:D
LOL! I get it>>>Too funny John!

Yes, that type of life change especially for your parents who have been through so much and consider themselves the ones who always did , they have a tough time adjusting to "help". My mom put up a fight until she just lost her mental functions. You have to make them think it's their idea. Something like"mom, maybe you should invite pastor over for a meal" then he gets his foot in the door. Sometimes they just need a nudge ;)

Tim is in change or die mode. We dodged the cancer scare for now, but with things like RA, Lupus, and fibromyalgia, or other autoimmune diseases and dementia or Alzheimer's looming in the shadows, he realizes he must take care of himself by changing some bad habits. He has agreed to go vegetarian with me, finally. His eating habits could make any-body sick. :rolleyes: once I conquered that with him, the rest should be easy. I attacked the other bad habits, only by his invitation mind you. He has begun to really talk about his health and what we may be facing. I told him "if I were you, it wouldn't surprise me that my body was rebelling and attacking itself. You are so worried about taking medications and what the side effects are, when you should be looking at the toxins you put in your body on a daily basis!" "Let's just start with the food. Antibiotics and steroids, with pesticides in your meats, pre-packaged, preserved crap in bags and boxes, not to mention bottled drinks. Now lets consider the really proven carcinogens, tobacco both smokeless and smoking" What body wouldn't rebel?"

The point is, life changes are hard. Some of us have to be drug kicking and screaming, some have to be "scared to death" others need just a little support. We will all have chagnes we need to address in life, the key is to not fight to hard or else you will make the change that much harder on yourself ;)
Amen Crabber it is hard to make changes. I make them and then down the road I see myself slipping back to the old ways and I have to realine my thoughts about eating. I gained 10 pounds last semester and it is hard to get back off.
All of this talk on coping has really gotten me thinking since the past 4 1/2 years for me have been all about change. I have had lots of positive changes since my hip replacement, my balance has returned, therefore driving is not an issue any more. But I became so sedentary during my down time and am having a hard time turning that one around. Hubby told me "no more free rides, time to get to work". That hurt my feelings, but I swallowed that and went back to a greenhouse where I worked in my 20s a week ago and asked about coming back over to work...about 20 minutes from here. Rejected. So, I cried about that for a while, then contacted my boss from when I was in my 30's last week...went to see him today, not to ask for a job, but he is a very forward thinking shaker and doer type of guy. I have always respected him and wanted his opinion on what type of horticultural job he thought would be best for me at this point in my life. In my opinion driving an hour each way to work, walking ten to 12 miles a day at work, and dying in the heat of summer didn't seem like much of an option, so I just wanted an opinion. In his opinion he thought I should go into retail work like I was doing in Canada, but maybe in a reverse type of role. In canada I worked as a grower/customer service person in a he sees a trend happening that the produce people are adding annuals and perennials into their lines to extend their seasons. This makes total sense to me to try to steer some markets in that direction. I have a few in mind where I know the owners...but now my problem is I would be giving up most weekends and holidays during a 9 month period and all of the time that I would spend with my hubby would be lost since he takes his typical 2 hour down time after work and is then asleep. So it would be like not being married at all if I would take a job that would require holidays and weekends.
Oh dear, dilemmas, dilemmas.
maybe it is Jade. If I don't get a job after graduation I am thinking about that option.
I have gone through something similar with my changes in careers. Where I was so very active and physical , I now sit at a desk and vegetate all day. I have had to MAKE myself be active at home. Seems after you slow down, that becomes the habit and it is so hard to fight.
I see the issues you are facing. Sometimes It is very hard to go back to what we did, even though it is what we know. I like your comment about volunteering. You know a lot of people have recreated themselves into new carers through volunteer work. Concentrate on something you like rather than something you know, if you are going to volunteer. That's how I began training assistance dogs. Something I regret having stepped out of.
The key is, do what makes you ,YOU.
You never know, the door you go through might lead you where you are supposed to be. We can't always make things happen in "our" time. when it's right it will happen. I say until it does, do something to make yourself feel good. Pedicures are nice, get a wild color , show off your toes on a walk in the park with some new open toed shoes. :D It might open a door for you ;) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
