Kale TIME!!!

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Hello you Kale Lovers!

I didn't want this thread to be forgotten so I did a little search and after reading most of this, I thought Id like to share:)

It is very well written and tons of information that may encourage some to try it!:rolleyes::rolleyes:;)


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BTW zone 5 Gardeners should have their indoor seeds sown:D:D

Im guessing lower zones should be growing them or getting ready to harden them.
Some may be placed outside already before warmer temps come your way.

I am not in any rush (to sow seed) because my babies are doing find outside still !
You just have to love Kale:) a Really strong good looking crop to grow! I cant wait to see flowers next year on my older ones!

Happy Kale Growing:D

Your Pal and kale grower...Always....:D
Who is growing Kale???
Collards BS,Spinachetc...
My main interest is Kale!*LOL Mine is still growing from last year and have a new round that needed to be transplanted about 2weeks ago... but it is doing fine...

What are your favorite recipes? I am supposed to include more deep greens and cabbage, bs, broccoli etc in my diet.
One is steamed for about 6 minutes,strain (save water, let cool to room temps and add to compost) add hot butter, caramelized garlic and pinch of white pepper and sea salt and there you have it.
Another is make about a quart of red sauce, chopped beef, season to your taste for meatloaf or meat balls lay out (pre steamed or blanched) leaf and roll, cook in oven for about 25-30 minutes in (15minutes pre-heated oven ) Lower temps to about 325 deg top with sauce and sever to me!*LOL

Yes, you are missing out! I love Kale (the green one), Turnips, Collards, Rape, and Mustards. These are so good for you and have nutrients galore! Maybe you should try the southern way of cooking them, stewed up with ham hocks and a nice hunk of cornbread on the side!

What is Rape? I’ve never heard of it.
I never had okra, kale, turnips, rutabaga, collards, mustards, BS or black eyed peas when I was growing up. I never even heard of most of them until I left Hawaii. We grew a lot of Asian veggies. I love the cabbages, sugar snap peas, Chinese peas and the like. Wombat how can you make stir fry without the Asian greens? Oh you poor boy.
My first FIL was a minister and the members of his church were bound and determined that they each knew the perfect recipe that would convince me that okra was the food of the gods. Every Sunday someone would bring a new dish but I never took more then a bite of each. Sorry but to me that stuff is NASTY.
I still don’t care for turnips, rutabaga or Brussels sprouts but will eat them if served. I love cabbage but BS is just too intense for me. Kale and mustard greens are good but I prefer collards and beet greens. When I first married my husband he asked me to get him collard greens. I picked up a can of the stuff and he loved it. Sorry the stuff in the can is just nasty. One day I saw some fresh collards and got it for Jim. I tasted a bit of it and couldn’t believe that was the same stuff that I’d been serving for him from the can for ten years. I’ve been growing it for twenty years now. Love it. I haven’t met a bean I didn’t like. We grew all sorts when I was growing up.
Now black eyed peas are a true gift from God. OMG I love it cooked fresh off the plant or dried either way they are to die for. Jim doesn’t care for them so I don’t make them very often but on occasion I will make myself a pot of hopping john and just make a pig of myself.
I don’t care for salmon at all. It’s not the taste but the texture I don’t care for.

Someone told me once that people’s tastes change every seven years. I believe it’s an old wives tale but there is some truth to it. Although I grew up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean I always hated all seafood. Over the years I’ve come to enjoy shrimp, scallops and cod. And so even though I don’t like some foods I take a taste of those foods from time to time just to be sure I’m not missing out on something wonderful. Like the grits I hated so passionately for forty years.


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