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You already know the answer Nancie!
Cut them back to a healthy shoot. If the stem has several shoots, i'd knock all but two or three of the healhiest/most vigorous ones! They shouldn't take too much time to make up for lost time!
Mine are setting fruit now and none of them look like they are having a blossom end rot issue!
The peppers are developing clustes of flowers unlike bell peppers....
Finally planted out the zuc and squash seedlings and they are settling in well. They even look greener now!
The next week or so will tell if they missed the dreaded squash borers!
Hey Nancie healthy luffa plants there kiddo, hopefully mine will turn out as good as yours...yep I did end up getting some seed! Good advice Ron gave you there I've had to do that to some of my toms when we get too much rain, they should be fine.
Ron good to hear about your blossom end rot disappearing as it's just awful. I've only had it a couple of times but it decimates the crop if you don't catch it in time.
I've also read about eating the shoots from luffas too, but I'm not sure either lol. Oh well maybe you both could remind me when my plants are growing to add them to a stir fry.....I also planted my jerusalem artichokes today even though the ground is still wet and sloppy, they don't keep well once they've been dug up. Hopefully they'll tolerate wet feet for a while.
I always check the first fruit that set to see if I need to add crushed gypsum and increase the frequency and amount of watering! If I find any fruit with end rot I pull them off at this early stage!
I buy tomatoes from seeds (Parks Seeds & Gurney's). Everything ALWAYS grows. Flower seeds and squash are always great. Maybe check out the websites. I highly recommend both of them. Curbie
Ron oh yeah I do exactly the same thing as I don't want it affecting my capsicums and zucchinis etc. The only time I had the problem was during severe droughts so the watering wasn't as regular as usual. I also use dolomite from time to time especially when we've had a lot of wet weather, a ph kit that was a birthday gift is also handy.
Curbie yep they're both reputable seed companies, it's great when you find a good, reliable source of seeds and plants. I'd love to use them but I'm not able to import seed into this country due to strict govt. regs! This is really frustrating at times especially when we visited Butchart Gardens and all that seed was just begging me to buy it and I couldn't ......:(
I order from Parks too! Very reliable and the quaility of the seed is excellent!
It's cheaper to order from them then ordering from Canadian sources. The final bill is usually 2/3rds less even after shipping and handling charges. And...I can get things that are not available here. Love the variety and number of species they sell!
I've found a couple of local seed and plant companies that are very competitively priced. I try to use local ones as the delivery is faster and I know all the plants will grow successfully in my climate zone.
OK SCISSORS IN HAND, SMILE ON MY FACE. The newer shoots have blossoms already!

Now if I can put down the paint brush long enough to go to the garden. I wanted to plant my fall corn but it is so darn hot. Maybe this weekend. ......or not :rolleyes:
I love to plant seeds. I never know what I planted where ~ the squash is mixed in with the batchelor buttons. The tomato plants are mixed with marigolds. The hydrangea has bird seeds in it. The rosemary is in with the Dusty Miller. The spearmint is with some marigolds. The pussy willow is in with sunflowers. I guess it's called ,"MIX and Match!" Variety is the spice of life. Curbie :)
Thats a great idea Curbie I do it all the time now. I've always interspersed my veggie beds with flowers of different types as it brightens the place up and also attracts ''good" bugs to help with getting rid of the bad ones. I also like it when the herbs and flowers from last year self seed and you get a few "surprises"!
Got the veggie garden soaked!
Noticed caterpillar poop on some of the tomato leaves, and some of the leaves had small holes in them...sure enough tomato hornworms! At this early stage they are easy to squish with index and thumb!
A thunderstorm boomed to the west of us but it was heading southeast so it missed us! One boom was deep and loud enough to shake the ground and the storm was a good 30 miles away!
That dang armadillo got in what is left of the veggie garden. looks like someone plowed in there. I would love to catch and relocate but it won't go in a trap. 30/30 with the scope should take care of that tonight. Tim wasn't on his game last night . he he he
I heard that armadillo taste something between chicken and pork!
Wonder how it would do on the bbq?
I think FIRST, you have to catch one. I do not believe you can get one in the frozen food aisle. LOL! Probably tastes like chicken. :) Curbie
we trapped our neighborhood groundhog and drove him over to the state park and released critter down!
We once relocated a possum family with the help of the local wildlife group......they were back the next we just live with them now. The cordial relations between us and the possum family do get strained a bit when they gobble up my fruit and veggies without leaving me any!
I really don't think you have to kill something to get rid of it. Wombat, do the possums hang from their tails? I know they are nocturnal. We have a raccoon that is hysterical. Raccoons are noctural also so they come into the yard and eat anything they can get their paws on. They get into the birdseed container. If we have seafood of ANY kind, they're in the trash can. Raccoons are amazing. I think people have to adapt to the critters. Don't we have cats and dogs and birds and lizards and fish. Well, I love nature so :) Curbie
Some things need to be done away with like tomato hornworms!
Killed quite a few of them yesterday! Caught them at the 1/4 inch size so were very easy to squish!
Go Ron Go! :D

Well I don't really like to kill anybody/thing, but he won't go in the trap. I have tried every trick in the book. Grrrr. My old man dog, use to really give them heck. I never had a problem before but he has no teeth from popping them when he was younger. and now he can't hear or see so he sleeps through everything. :(

As far as tasting like chicken , this is one girl that's not cooking it up. I had a neighbor who fixed them and it was tasty, but I lack the abilities to convince myself to eat it if I cook it. Coon I could do if I was hungry ( they look like cats skinned out, that's why law requires the feet to be left on the product) but I would need to be really hungry. I have gotten way to soft ;)
Curbie the ringtail possums which are quiet and inoffensive, can hang by their tails, but the brushtails which are the cheekiest don't. They just jump from trees onto our roof with a loud crash (usually about 3am) and commence to play tag for what seems like a couple of hours and then wander off to see what they can eat from my yard!
Nancie I don't think I could eat either of those guys...unless it was in a stew or something that made the meat anonymous!
Ron happy squishing!

I planted some spuds today and some carrots hopefully we won't get a late frost, which can happen on occasions here. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
