The Bluegrass Bunch a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

Pretty well! I keep having allergy problems, but if I can get in some hours working outside, I have less trouble with the allergies.
Just had to pop by here and say hi to the bluegrass bunch! Don't know why, but through all the different forums we have moved to, I always liked reading this thread the best! lol... Had a big surgery last day of January, got the Norwalk virus in the hospital. Had a really rotten time of it. The old silver lining.... hubby was out of work after 30 years in the same industry, from October 10th, till just next week he goes back on monday, so he was able to take care of me! The last few weeks have been really nice having him home everyday to help in the garden. I'm going to be making a pest of my self around the forum much more now again, makes me happy to see so many familiar faces! :)
OMGosh Janet I hope everything is OK now. It sounds like it was quite a winter for you.
Take Care
Hi Janet...Welcome and so glad you are mended girl... Do make yourself home here and a pest:) wonderful to see you and so glad hubby could be there to help nourish you back to healthy...
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We went to the spring flower show hosted at the state farmers market. Worked in the yards some glad spring is really here although it's going to be in the 30's tonight. Hopefully this will be the last cool night we are going to have until fall. Bring on warm weather.
Bless your heart Norwalk? Oh No!

We have a lot of festivals but no real flower shows except for the fairs and then it's not all that exciting. Sounds like you had a great day1
Hi Janet, I'm glad you're doing better and able to be with us more. You have been missed. I hope the shoulder problem doesn't hold you back from your gardening.
Well nearly 3 years ago now, I ended up having a broken shoulder, torn cartiledge and ligaments from my grandaughter pulling it so hard. It healed, but in the meantime, I've done something to the muscles in my other shoulder. It slows me down a bit, but not as bad as the other one did!
Hello to everyone:) The weeks are just flying by now and while the days are still warm they're getting shorter and the nights much cooler, autumn is finally here! There's still a bit of rain about...we had a t/storm last night....but the rain should disappear by May and not restart until late September. I'm still taking advantage of the rainy and warm days and adding more plants to my little rainforest. The latest additions being a loquat tree, Sweet pittosporum (native daphne.) and a Hymenosporum (native frangipani) the latter 2 having wonderful perfume from the abundant flowers. I've also planted some strawberries which hopefully should crop before it gets too cold.
Young Janet great to see you back and posting. You've certainly had more than your fair share of health problems, so pleased to see you're well on the way to recovery. Norwalk virus?! Wow you poor kid any norovirus, was notoriously difficult to diagnose as it can't be cultured. I recall an outbreak here in 2004, when 400 folk became infected and luckily there was a detection kit available which gave the results in a very short period of time. Prior to that the virus could only be observed under an electron microscope, thank goodness for the diagnostic kit. It makes my job a lot easier.:)
Great to see everyone checking in and doing so well. We're off to my sister's place to celebrate here birthday this evening, we made her a Chocolate Bavarian cake. We'll be celebrating outside as the amount of candles on the cake will probably set off the smoke alarms in the house.:D Don't anyone tell her I said that;) I like living...till next time folks
Sounds nice Wonbat, would love to see pics of your rainforst that you have.
Sure hope your sister had a nice birthday and you didn't set the alarms
I would like to ask you all for prayers as I went to the drs yesterdy as I had a spot on my neck that wouldn't go away and I have a history of melanoma. I won't know the results from the biospy until a week or so. Please pray that it's not melanoma as I can't take time off work again. Thanks everyone, Well off to work, working all the ot that i can get.
Hope eveyone is doing well
Want to take a moment and say Big Hello to all....on a quick break here..
Have to take advantage of the rain days...we have another storm brewing and coming in this afternoon or evening with more dang rain...
Can't wait to see pics of the new improved rain forest is coming to life more and more each year.
Laurie prayers and good energy being sent your way dear lady.
Janet now its time to look forward to your future health and forever be grateful...
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend...
We went to a fish fry last night to celebrate my lil sis and her man coming home to stay for a couple of months..
my lil bro soaked the fish in Sprite for three hours before he battered it...yummy...when he said he had done that it didn't sound good to me...but it was very good...the citrus taste is faint as was the sweet..
Have a good one til next time.
Hello to everyone:) The weeks are just flying by now and while the days are still warm they're getting shorter and the nights much cooler, autumn is finally here! There's still a bit of rain about...we had a t/storm last night....but the rain should disappear by May and not restart until late September. I'm still taking advantage of the rainy and warm days and adding more plants to my little rainforest. The latest additions being a loquat tree, Sweet pittosporum (native daphne.) and a Hymenosporum (native frangipani) the latter 2 having wonderful perfume from the abundant flowers. I've also planted some strawberries which hopefully should crop before it gets too cold.
Young Janet great to see you back and posting. You've certainly had more than your fair share of health problems, so pleased to see you're well on the way to recovery. Norwalk virus?! Wow you poor kid any norovirus, was notoriously difficult to diagnose as it can't be cultured. I recall an outbreak here in 2004, when 400 folk became infected and luckily there was a detection kit available which gave the results in a very short period of time. Prior to that the virus could only be observed under an electron microscope, thank goodness for the diagnostic kit. It makes my job a lot easier.:)
Great to see everyone checking in and doing so well. We're off to my sister's place to celebrate here birthday this evening, we made her a Chocolate Bavarian cake. We'll be celebrating outside as the amount of candles on the cake will probably set off the smoke alarms in the house.:D Don't anyone tell her I said that;) I like living...till next time folks

Wow! I can't wait to see new pictures of your rainforest!! It's been at least a couple of years I think since I saw it last!!
They had a quarantine going on at the hospital, each department was closed off and they had tables of hand sanitiser and information and rules before you went to another department. They even delivered a baby in the unit I was in, because it was apparently the only place they had not had the virus show up, then they whisked them away into an isolated room to try and keep them from it. I was tempted to cancel the surgery, but I had been waiting so long I decided to take my chances. I tried so hard to be so careful, but I think there was no getting away from it. In my condition my immune system did not have a chance. Oh well, the surgery has been such a blessing, I would do it again even if it meant getting the virus again!! Maybe you know...if I have had it, can I still get it again in the future? I hope not! lol...
Maingal, I'll be thinking of you :)
Well it's raining now so I'm inside for a few mins to see what's happening in here. I've just finished harvesting my rosellas to make some jam, looking forward to that as it's yummy! I took some pics of my rainforest y'day plus a couple of others...
Laurie Pics will be posted as requested lol and yes, we had a great time at my sisters' and the fire brigade was not called out:D
I'm also thinking of you at this time:)
Peggy I'm with you about the fish being soaked in sprite it does sound a little strange but you said it tasted very nice, so I may try it one day. I've heard of it being soaked in home made lemonade but not sprite. I also share your sentiments about the rain...we've also had enough here:rolleyes:
Janet Yep that sounds about right re: catching the virus, it just loves hospitals, nursing homes etc. I would've had the surgery too it must've been a great weight lifted off your shoulders (no pun intended). As for you being immune to it, well it may boost your immune system a little against it but, in my experience...I'm not a's not a bacterial infection (which can be treated with antibiotics)'s a virus like the common cold...the symptoms can be treated but not ''cured''. Sorry I couldn't give you a more positive answer, but you have your health and strength back again and that'll help you fight off the virus much more effectively, have fun in the garden:)


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beautiful pics John, thanks for sharing with us, my yard is starting to green up, the daffs are blooming so some color in the yard
thanks everyone for the prayers, it's sore so not doing much in the yard today as i don't want to break it open, might get the rider out with the sweeper and try sweeping the lawn if i can get it started....
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