What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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We are starting off cold today with 28 degrees. There is a light fog though so I cannot tell what the sky looks like. I suspect that it is clear though. I remember experiencing two solid months of fog in the Sacramento Valley years ago where the fog would lift enough during the day so driving wasn't a problem, but it would lower at night and was often so dense, visibility was minimal. On one of those days during that time, I drove up into the foothills to Auburn, CA and found a place to look down on the valley. It was like looking down on a solid cloud layer from an airplane. That fog is one thing I don't miss about the Sacramento winters.
45 with periods of rain.
Winds have died down...
The sun pops out between waves of cloud and rain.
Another band is moving in out of the SW..
Today started out at 61 and got up to 75 this afternoon. We are to get rain again tomorrow. We will see.
It was such a beautiful day, so uplifting!! We had to go out driving and the sun sparkling on the ocean was so beautiful, hubby and I got fish and chips take out and took it to the beach to eat. We did have to sit in the car though because it was cold!! it is down to about 28F tonight. The stars are sparkling like diamonds and look so close :) we are supposed to have a good stretch of this sunny but cold weather. I am sad it is killing off the last of my summer flowers, but I will take this over that gloomy rain!!
Oh My....what month is this. In the 80's all this week. In fact we fished on Thursday and I got nice rosy sun cheeks! Ahhhhh what beautiful weather
low of 61 with a high of 83.
not to worry my friends it will be winter by next thursday lows in the 50's with highs in the upper 60's- low 70's with rain
We hit 70*F yesterday and it was awesome! :D Tomorrow we'll only hit 41*F and tomorrow night, 22*F. :eek: Still cool though since we got some heavy rains and we def needed that.

Btw, don't forget February 15. Asteroid DA14 will fly past Earth closer than the TV satellites. It could even take some of the satellites out. We'll prolly be able to see it with or without binoculars.
Already 50F, heading up to 55 with mostly sunny skies!
Light winds out of the SSW are expected!
Today will be the warmest day so far this month!
Rain and 53 for tomorrow then down to a bit more normal temps of 25 by Monday!
It is 69 and heading up to 71 this afternoon. it is cloudy and has rain sometime in the night. Tomorrow will be in the 40s. So I will put on a coat for morning at school. I'm going to be working with kindergarteners.
It is colder than yesterday at this time. It is 24 degrees so any standing water is ice covered. We didn't drive over the mountain to have breakfast this morning.
Our high today is supposed to be 70°. I must be the one confused. I thought it was winter. The robins are looking for worms. Low tonight is supposed to be 55°. I'm a wee bit confuse-aled. Curbster
56F and beautiful!!

Got all the x-mas lights down from the front and side deck, and stored away!
....now for the tree in the livingroom.....
...maybe tomorrow!!! I didn't do a lot of decorating so it's just the tree to undo!

Warmer tomorrow but with rain in the morning, then a gradual drop in temp during the afternoon....
High od 28 for Monday!!!
Oh My....what month is this. In the 80's all this week. In fact we fished on Thursday and I got nice rosy sun cheeks! Ahhhhh what beautiful weather
low of 61 with a high of 83.
not to worry my friends it will be winter by next thursday lows in the 50's with highs in the upper 60's- low 70's with rain

Oh puleeeeese!! lows in the 50's and highs in upper 60's low 70's with rain is a normal summer day here!! LOL!!!!
The puddles stayed frozen over today, even though the sun was shining. Took the grand daughters on a nice walk to the park and it was so beautifully cold! But I will still take this frozen but clear and sunny weather over that dark gloomy pouring rain but milder weather we had for weeks on end!
Btw, don't forget February 15. Asteroid DA14 will fly past Earth closer than the TV satellites. It could even take some of the satellites out. We'll prolly be able to see it with or without binoculars.

Oh my!! maybe the Mayans were just off by a bit..... am going to look this up find out where they think it will be passing us, it would be amazing to see it!
Oh my!! maybe the Mayans were just off by a bit..... am going to look this up find out where they think it will be passing us, it would be amazing to see it!

Lol! It's only 1,480' wide so even if it hit, it wouldn't be any worse than the Barrenger crater in Arizona. :) But I'll def be out with my camera to get photos when it passes! It's rare for one to get this close!
Btw, here's the NASA info and a diagram of the asteroids path.
Since it's larger than a satellite, and since it will be closer, it should be easy to see. :D

It's cold, rainy, and wet.
Perfect article, Ron! :D It says the closest approach will be at 19:26 UTC. That's 7:26 pm in London, 1:26 pm here, and 2:26 pm in New York city. :( A camera won't help. I'll prolly just watch for photos to be posted online.
Sorry Janet! Just so excited about another awesome winter where we are not freezing our tropicals. ;)

You go John! We fished Thursday and it was Awesome!

Oh , now I have to remember that date for the asteroid. Will check your link Ron.

62* at 6:30 am ,will reach 80's again today. getting ready to hit the road for the first 5 mile speed walk since I pulled a tendon in my foot. I have been trying to walk but it is just to tender. Feels much better so I am going for it.

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