What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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Cloudy and starting to rain...
Winds are out of the west and picking up speed....

They are getting better at finding these asteroids and tracking them..... This one is just too small to be seen without a telescope, or mounted binoculars!
foggy and mid 40's here, suppose to be in the 50's tomorrow then the darn Canadians are sending their cold to us for the end of the week, scrapped the driveway to get the slush gone before the deep freeze comes the end of the week come on spring
Now Laurie! We get all the moisture and storms from Colorado and Texas Lows so you can handle our Cold Fronts!
Looks like a good one too! We will be in the deep freeze starting tomorrow.... but we will still be above normal all week!

We had thick fog for a couple of hours, now itès clear but to the west it looks like it might just clear....
55F and not compaining one bit.....
It has been cold here all day with a light fog. The low this morning was 25 degrees and it got up to 28 by midafternoon.
50 here today.....and a cold front coming this afternoon....hopefully it will get rid of this blasted fog......
30F now and 28 this afternoon, 23 this evening, and 18 overnight !!!
Mostly cloudy with a light wind out of the west.
Might see some sun off and on!!!
We still have gray skies and 27 degrees. My daughter said it was spitting snow out there earlier.
didnt know it snowed in scotland.....

sunshine finally late morning, and the temps shot up to 60.....this afternoon a cold front came thru and its cooled off now.....it was nice to get that melting for a few days as all the snow is gone now.....and we are back to green grass....but it wont last
Woodie! It's 25F!!!!!
Tomorrow's high will only get up to 28F!!!!
20% chance of light flurries all week!
No big dumping of snow is expected at least for now!!!
Only 86F here today, nice and cool! Lovely nor'easter blowing again...always cools it down...
It is 41 this morning and going up to 47 with a chance of rain. it is cloudy out this morning. I want some warmth back. Ron take back your cold.
Ok I hate to brag.... BUT WOOOOOHOOOOOO . Summer in January! Loveing it. We broke a record from 1888 yesterday. The wramest it has ever been on Jan 14. We also broke the record for the highest low ever! More of the same 80's and woderful clear skies.
By Thursday we will be back to normal with a cold front coming in , highs in the 50's-60's and rain. Guess it can't be wonderful all the time
21F with mostly sunny skies!
The usual clouds out over the lake.
Light breeze out of the west making a small ripples on the lake.
It doesn't look like the lake will freeze over this year...

Enjoy the heat Nancie!!
It was 32 degrees this morning when I headed out to the nursing home. It has come up four degrees in six hours. There was a misty rain too, but not enough to be concerned about as long as we stayed above freezing.
Well it never got out of the 30'syesterday. It is 31 this morning. It is clear and going up to the 50's later lets hope so cause these Kindergarteners I'm working with have not been outside for recess for two days and they need to run. You can only watch so many videos for recess till they get anxious to go outside again.
30F and partly cloudy.
Light breeze out of the SW.
Warming up to 37 this afternoon and mostly sunny.....
It's 34 degrees outside right now with an overcast sky. We are experiencing an inversion which means the air mass lower is colder than the air above. The weather guesser said it was warmer on Mt. Hood than it was at the coast.
A coldfront is coming down from the NW and the winds off the lake are gale force as the winds rip along the outer edge of the coldfront!!
Looking at 40 to 50 mph winds this evening with higher peak gusts!
They are already 30 mph and roaring!!!!
The temp is 32 heading down to 28....
Not much snow will fall...60% chance overnight and into tomorrow with a high of 27F....

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