What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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58 this morning and sunny.........going up to 83 today.......more humidity is coming in lateron, and it will feel more like summer again for the rest of the week, but lots of rain is also coming......
No appreciable change here in northwestern Oregon. It was pleasant driving around this morning but this afternoon the temperature is climbing toward that expected 90 degree high.
hot and sunny, stage 2 watering restrictions in place which means watering for me mon. wed. and fri. evening only. It's not as if we don't have enough rainfall here in winter to have enough water for the state of California for the year....it's just the town is too cheap to upgrade the resevoir :( We live in a temperate rainforest and have watering restrictions. rediculous.
P.S. does anyone know where Curbie went to?
Haven't heard anything from Curbie, Janet. I don't have a phone number or I would call her. It was pretty warm here yesterday with a high about 95 degrees. It's supposed to be a little cooler today, but we'll see.
I heard from Jules and said that Curbie is going through a rough time!
She has been falling a lot, and is drinking again.
Please keep her in your prayers!

73F and getting muggy again! Expecting a high of 81F with a humidex of 93!
Mostly cloudy with light occasional showers, thunderstorms on the way later on today!
Winds are straight out of the south!
I am sad to hear about Curbie. I will keep her in my prayers!
it was a hot one here today, too hot to have a major plumbing issue to fix :( It is still 76F at 6:26 pm. Plumbing is not our forte... it took 2 times of installing a toilet before we got it in without leaking :( this one was the kitchen sink and all the pipes underneath. I'm beat!
How about Crabbergirl she has not been here in a long time either :(
it is still hot here. I am going to Ok to have fun with grands tomorrow so maybe it will be cooler there. 100+ is our forecast with no changes for the next 10 days. Lots of sunshine and heat for us.

Crabber is on facebook. I see her there but don't know why she isn't here anymore. I miss her here. I only have an email for curbie but will email her today. Miss her tons.
There aren't many of us left. It is 57 degrees here now but it will climb into the 80's before the day is over. No rain in sight for us. I can handle the plumbing, but it isn't my favorite thing to do.
73 high of 79 with a humidex of 93!
Had thunderstorms rip through here last night!
Expecting more at any time today!
a steamy wet day today.......high humidity......but its supposed to be more refreshing tomorrow and sunday.....
It was 80 here yesterday, went to my cousins camp for the afternoon and evening, it was nice
another nice day today 80 again and no humidity
another nice sunny, low humidity day......will be 83 today...
glad you had fun at your cousins camp laurie......
We had scattered clouds yesterday and a high temperature of about 75 degrees. It was quite comfortable. So far it is 60 degrees this morning with scattered clouds.
another lovely day, but its clouding up now, with showers on the way......tomorrow will be rainy most of the day.....

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