What's the weather in your area? 2015 Edition

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raining and 40 here this morning. we rarely see rain on st paddys day. hope it clears up for the meg parade in NYC.
temps will drop this afternoon and be more winter like, high winds, and rain will change to snow flurries.
37 and overcast with isolated showers.....and light winds out of the NW...
That is our high for today as the temps will be slowly droppping to a low of 19F tonight.....
Could see flurries this afternoon....
It was cloudy this morning and the forecast was for rain today. But I didn't see any rain until mid afternoon. It is supposed to be clear tomorrow though.
it dropped down to 20 last night, and I woke up to a dusting of snow that stuck to the roads. but we have blue skies, so hopefully the roads will melt at least, and its not going up much past 30 today. back to the winter mode!
Feels more like fall with that certain smell theat is the harbanger of possible snow!
Was 45 for a few hours and with the rush of winds the temp has dropped to 37...
Dropping to 19 overnightwith posssible squall activity off of Lake huron and Georgain Bay!
We had a very typical spring day today. The daffodils are still in bloom. The sky was mostly clear today with a high of 58 degrees.
18 here this morning, with frost on the cars. blue skies tho. the daffodils are popping up a bit, but it will be a while before they start to grow and flower. no flowers for easter this yr. I prefer easter to be late april when its warmer. but I dont get to pick. tee hee
was 19 when I got up and now it's 38F...mostly suny skies with a light breeze out of the NNW....
Dropping down to 29 tonight with flurries and into tomorrow...could get around and inch.....then warming up to 43 tomorrow....
A lot of snow melted with just a few drifts left......the lake is starting to look more translucent, and it won't be long before the ice starts to break up!!!
We had some sun today but it had a thin cloud layer that reduced its warmth. It was still comfortable enough though for me to work outside without a jacket.
20 this morning and grey. they are talking 1 to 3 inches lateron this afternoon. so much for spring.
well Happy Spring anyway.
Happy first day of Spring everyone!
It may not feel like it everywhere, but it is coming, though slowly!

32F and overcast turning sunny and 45 this afternooon!
Light wind out of the south but expected to shift and come out of the SW later on today....
Rain for this evening and tomorrow morning then turning sunny and 43....
I'm waiting for the ice on the lake to start breaking up!!!!!
Killdeer arrived yesterday, as did the redwing blackbirds.....heard a white throated sparrow, but couldn't find him in the shrubs......
Our daffodils are through blooming and are looking pretty sad right now. But it was nice to see them looking so pretty so early in the season. It got up to 60 degrees today under an overcast sky. It started raining about 5:00 PM.
41F windy and overcast.. 41 is our high for today...expecting isolated showers with periods of sun.
Droppping down to 16F this evening and overnight as a coldfront passes through....high of 27 for tomorrow with cloudy peiods.
got three inches of snow yesterday and last night, but the roads were all melted this morning. going up to45 and then rain is coming. we wont see daffies here for quite some time yet.
We saw some blue spots today but it was mostly overcast with some rain showers. Our high temperature was in the mid 50's.
19F with light flurries....light winds out of the north....
Might get up to 23 this afternoon with sunny periods.
Won't be seeing any warm weather until Weds with a high of of 50 with rain....
24F with mostly sunny skies!
28 for the high ...39 for tomorrow....48 for weds with rain and on thrursday.....then it drops with possible snow on Friday!!
We had rain showers off and on all day along with some pretty stiff wind. It got up to 54 degrees today.
20 this morning, blue skies and no wind. sure wish it was warmer. thurs will be 50's and rain. then a drop on friday and snow maybe monday. ugh Im worn out!

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