What's the weather in your area? 2016 Edition

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Rain on the way Woodie!
Not much rain, and it won't last long here!
Started raining an hour ago, and expected to rain off and on all morning.
Clearing this afternoon with a few lingering showers.
66 and should get up to 70 this afternoon with a low humidex of 75.
57 for the low tonight...
Winds are light out of the north!
a bit muggy this morning. sunny right now. going up to 80 today/ this afternoon showers. not much coming. more on sunday.
happy hump day. after today Im over the hump on the work week.
we never got the showers. not a drop in this area. they went all north and south. we are in bad shape without this rain. this morning is 49
and going up to 80. low humidity. the next rain event isnt until sunday. thats a 90% chance so that may happen. even tho its coming on a weekend Ill take it. have a good day everyone.
55 last night. .. closed the windows before going to bed!
61F with mix of sun and clouds. Light winds out of the NE.
Going up to 70 ...with no humidex!!!
Warmer tomorrow!
Next pssoble rain starting on Saturday, thunderstorms on Sunday....
closed windows last night as well. didnt even open them up today. 49 this morning and about 70 today. there was a north wind. put my heavier blanket back on the bed. sunday rain here into monday maybe. we need rain, so Im keeping my mouth shut. haha but does it have to rain on the weekend??????????????????????
Comforter on the bed the last couple of nights!! Nice to snuggle under the sheets!!

52 with sunny skies....light winds out of the NE.
75 for this afternoon with a humidex of 84....rain possible tonight.... and thunderstorms possible tomorrow...
66 overnight....
yes, nice with a blanket. wont be too much longer to change to flannel sheets.
49 this morning and going up to 80's today. rain for after midnight. hoping it comes as we need rain badly.
The humidity is back!
Warm last night!.....low was 66 with 82 humidex!

Cloudy this morning with showers! 70F with a humidex of 81....
Rain and thunderstorms off and on all day..
75 for the high with a humidex of 90!!!
Winds out of the SW...
Late afternoon a series of thunderstorms rumbled through...dumped a lot of rain!!
66F humidex 79.......the thick fog finally moved out!
Mostly cloudy.....winds out of the SW....
74 for the high today with a humidex of 88....
More thunderstorms possible this afternoon!
the humidity came back last night. we were to get rain, 90% chance. well we didnt get more than a spritz of rain. today it was supposed to rain all day, but Im seeing glaring sun. Im glad you got the rain Ron, at least someone got some. rain for tomorrow. wonder if it will happen. otherwise we are just HHH again. ugh
No fog this morning... Didn't get any rain yesterday as the clouds pretty much disappeared by late morning...
63 with hazy sunshine!
No rain in the forecast.....
Heading up to 77 this afternoon with a humidex of 88.....
HHH is settling in for the whole week!
rain last night, then thunderstorms about 3am. it was good to hear the rain. we need lots more but Ill take what we got for now. still very muggy out and there is a cool front coming down from canada (thank you ROn) with less humid air. happy monday everyone!
68F with hazy sunshine!
Heating up to 79F with a humidex of 90!!!
Winds are light out of the SW.....
Dropping to 61 overnight!
Tomorrow will be a repeat of today!
Cool down possible by Saturday!
No rain in the forecast....only 0 - 10% each day!
heavy fog out there this morning. the humidity should be leaving here by this afternoon. no rain until friday. what a disappointment that we didnt get the rain they promised on sunday and monday. going up to 85 today so with the humidity it will be nice and steamy.
a chilly 49 this morning, but sunny with a light breeze. going up to 85 today. light humidity so very comfortable and pleasant.
happy hump day everyone. well everyone who works. haha
Hey Woodie!
Nippy 55 with mostly sunny skies...light winds out of the NW...
Had a heavy dew last night!
Heading up to 77 this afternoon with a 84 humidex....with winds out of the SE
Tomorrow will be a repeat of today!
Everything changes by the weekend....highs in the 60's...lows in the 50's.....
gorgeous day here today. 83 and low humidity. tomorrow will be the same. changes here over the weekend too. low in the 30's and highs only 70. fall is on the way. oh fall is here tomorrow. happy fall everyone.
Happy Fall Woodie!
57F with clear sunny skies! Bit hazy with light winds out of the north..
Going up to 79 with a humidex of 90!! Light winds out of the SW....
The numbers are in and it has been the hottest summer since they started recording 138 years ago!
High for tomorrow 68 after the 'cool' front passes through....seems we won't be getting much in the way of rain as the frontal system will more then likely break up as it arrives...
Cooler weekend...then it starts to warm up by Monday!!
It was warm and a bit muggy last night....
70F with hazy sunshine.
.....and that is our high for today.
Humidex for this afternoon ..79... with sun and cloudy periods....no rain.....
Dropping to 54 tonight.....

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