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Well.........I'm pleased your chest feels better :) We got ours when MTM's Mom was really sick. Being a mailman, I could never find him in an emergency. Seriously, the post office does not have a working phone. Now that I don't have a real need for one, I am considering sticking it in a drawer also, Ron. For me, it is a total irritation. I may re-think this when I get done trying to find 'The Captain'. He uses it on the boat ~ "The captain is at sea right now.Please leave a message." oh....i think i better not... but thank you for asking, DEAR! But then the stuff that comes across the bottom of my brain.....hence I sing.~ Curbie :)
I think if I were a mail carrier, I would have a cell phone too. But I would use it only when really necessary. There are few things that I consider sufficiently necessary to use a cell phone.
Same here Randy!
People do not know what importance means....they created a new meaning to the word!
I gave the cell phone to Jackie whe she was working out of town, and only used it if there was an emergancy, or when I needed to contact her for something!
I think the use of cell phones is alienating everyone from everyone! Imagine a whole bus full of riders all talking on their cell phones, and are totally oblivious to the presence of the person sitting next to them, or even where they are!
Everyone are off in their own little world!
I couldn't agree more, Ron. The more we seem to 'have' (gosh I'm old fashioned), the less we seem to listen to. I would like to hear a person's voice when I speak with them in the grocery store. I believe that, to look someone in the eye, while talking to them is almost a lost art. This is my Pittsburgh coming out: "Are you looking at ME b/c i'm lookin' at you." "Don't call me unless you have something to REALLY say." This computer is an essential for me to remain in touch with you all and do banking in Pittsburgh. ~ Gosh, was this political? Curbie :)
I attended a men's breakfast on Saturday morning and I wore one of my golf shirts that has the name of the ship I served on embroidered over the left side. That started a conversation with a total stranger, but we also sat at the same table with each other and I met a friend that had come with him. We had a delightful conversation though until enough people came and raised the noise level to a point I wasn't able to make out the words as well anymore. He was a surgeon or is a surgeon and when we talked of soudough cooking, he invited himself over to my house for breakfast. I provided my name, address, phone number and e-mail address so we'll see if I hear from him. I would love to have him meet my family and let them meet him. He had been a flight surgeon in the air force so I had the opportunity to give him one of the "thank you, American hero" cards.
I just sent a $50 donation to that fellow and asked for some more cards. I was telling a friend about them. He is also a navy vet, but he was a peacetime sailor. He happened to serve on one of the destroyers though that was in the same destroyer division that I was in. There are four detroyers in a division and we carried the flag for our division. That means the division comander was aboard our ship. The ships that served in our division were the U.S.S. Epperson (DDE 719), U.S.S. Philip (DD498), U.S.S. Renshaw (DD499), and the U.S.S. Nicholas. I don't remember the number of the Nicholas. But my friend Mike served on the Renshaw. I was on the Epperson. I don't know how the others were named, but the Epperson was named after a marine that was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for covering a Japanese grenade with his body in order to save his buddies. What a privilege it was to serve on a ship bearing his name.
wow.......there are many heroes amongst us. Sometimes we just don't know it b/c heroes do not tend to 'advertise'. We had a homeless man yesterday in DC who was trying to save a woman from a crime being commited towards her. The person creating the crime, shot and killed him. There are heroes all around us. I could not go to the Pearl Harbor Memorial and I cannot go to the Holocaust Museum in DC. So many heroes. ~ Curbie
I had a great remedy for changing the sheets on the bed this morning ~ I took them off and then thought,"I need a nap" so I rolled myself back into the sheets. I slept for hours with 2 of the cats. I could hear one of them giggling~ THIS isn't the way you're supposed to do it. Where'd you go? ~ I kept feeling something like a brick under the 'covers'. The kitten was under the covers with me. She has the ability to worm her way in, under the covers. Curbiez :)
I had one of the cats sitting on me a little while ago. It made seeing the keyboard a bit difficult, but we got by. Alec is home from school now and his is the preferred lap.
I didn't make it to my evening session on GF last evening. It's a bit of a long story, but I got taken to the hospital by the EMT's from the fire department. I gave platelets yesterday at the blood bank and they took three units (600 cc). I was already somewhat dehydrated and that got worse as the evening developed. I started feeling nauseous and headed upstairs from the basement. I knew I was in trouble as I climbed the stairs and the last thing I remembered was seeing Fiona and telling her I needed help. She kept me from hitting my head as I fell and David called 911. Those guys are great. They took me to the hospital where I spent the night. I was so dehydrated my blood pressure dropped to a very dangerous level. The EMT's started with an IV and I got another liter at the hospital. By this morning I was sufficiently hydrated for them to turn me loose to come home. I have come to the conclusion though that blood will have to come from the younger folks from this point on.
We have a neighbor named Alec. I (of course) call him Alex. I had the happiest conversation today with the minister of the church where my Dad will be buried in Pittsburgh. She said,"I have to tell you that I have never had anyone walk around during a service to console people." oh, they were aching so hard and it made it easier for them. I asked if we could bring the dog to the burial. OF COURSE! WOOHOO! Ellie's first trip to a church. My daughter said."'re kidding....right?" i was given permission. The dog is amazingly well-behaved. She looks at me and I look at her. She is 4. 'Bout time she went to church. I'd like her to learn by Mar 15, how to turn a cup over. For being simply chocolate, she really is smart. Oh, maybe a catfood can. We have never yelled at her and I have trained her. I have a project :) ~ Curbie :)
WOT are we going to DO with you, Randy ? ? ? My goodness ~ please hold MF quite closely. She will care for you. Younger folks can take over for you. As my Mom would say." SIT DOWN and be very quiet." You take care ~ Hugs to you and MF and the family. There are more than one of us here. ~ Curbie
Good advice. Everybody here is bossing me around, but that's all right. They won't even let me go down in the basement yet. My own bed is going to feel awfully good tonight. I had all kinds of wires hanging on me last night.
I understand the need for 'all those wires' but you sure can' sleep. I sleep on my stomachso to expect me to lay on my back and rest is ridiculous. Oh, and our burial is MAY 15, not March ~ somehow I missed March. I think I missed most of April. How are we feeling today, Randy? Scarez really knows her 'stuff' about carpal tunnel. Cats ALWAYs know when you're aching or tired or lonely.~ Curbie


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Glad you're alright Randy!
All good things come to an end! You've done your time donating blood!
You still have lots of candy to pass around though!;)
So glad you are better Randy. Take it easy and do let the young ones give the blood from now on. I gave that up a few years ago. You are awesome.
I don't like to accept the fact, but I actually had thought it through years back and planned to stope when the time came that I had complications, so that time is now. You are right, Ron. I still have lots of candy. I missed my nursing home visit yesterday too and I need to call them and let them know why. I'll do that today. I'm doing pretty well today and am looking forward to just getting out and walking around a bit.
"On the roll again...." Good for you :) Randy, do your ears bother you more when a low pressure system comes through? ~ Curbiez is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
