The Bluegrass Bunch a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

I usually have one or 2 in containers beside the driveway for anyone to munch on(mostly my nephew) except the deer....thankfully they have never touched the veggies in the containers, have planted pole beans, cukes, maters, peppers, peas in the 1/2 oak barrels and they have done well. I ran out of time and never got any mater or pepper seeds started. I guess I've got about 7-8 weeks before I can plant outside that I could try to start some this weekend. Got to work on Sat. Tried to do some raking tonight but it's still too wet and suppose to rain heavy tomorrow and rain until tues. it's never going to dry up. So much in the garden is up but it hasn't been raked and if it's too much longer i will break stuff by raking. Will have to do it by using the kids rake and by hand. IT's bad this yr too as I wasn't able to do hardly anything last yr in my gardens. Going to take me awhile to get them cleaned up and the weeds and grass out of them. The wild black berries or whatever they are took over the veggie garden last yr, got to get them dug out this spring once the snow is gone.
Hope you all are doing well and things are going well for you. Shiney, hope you're still loving the job, miss chatting with ya but i've been busy too
Where has MarieK been? Haven't seen or heard from her in a long time. Hope all is well with her. Well going to go watch the final episode of ER. Hope you all have a nice weekend.
A quick hi to all. I am so ...stressed...I WILL master this job but it's trying to do me in!

Spring is aboiut here...lots to do. I love it.

Everyone get some dirt under your nails
I think it is a wedding gift (queen-sized quilt) that Marie is working on. She is under pressure to get it done by a certain date.
Randy the idea of giving tomato plants for home creats ideas for me...that is a wonderful to do for several.
....and Randy yes there is always organizing to do and keep up with.
I like the idea of of those maters beside the driveway...a doable iwant to borrow. Thank You!

Deb my friend I know your gonna patient with youself but keep striving in this challenge to master this job.... I know you can do it and you have a winning what can I say "Go for it have the "I Can Do It" attitude... "
I am getting plenty of dirt under my nails....don't mind getting it under them ...just can stand to leave it their...I keep my pocket knife on me always to clean them clean when i take a break.

...would love to see that quilt she is working on...
would love to take time and quilt but cliff says i can't be still long enough... I think there is quite a lot of truth in that where i am concerned.

Wishing you all a beautiful day, beautiful week and a beautiful year.
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Well apparently another week has gone by, so much to do lately the time just flies. We've copped some more we need it :rolleyes:. No serious flooding this time thank goodness, received 8''at my place with more to come according to the forecast. I've just about used up all my compost on the remaining beds so I'll have to rely on organic fertiliser to supplement all my new plantings. I still have tomatoes; eggplant; strawberries and the last of the purple climbing beans and pumpkin left to harvest.
Dale...... my winter veggies consist of peas; all lettuce varieties; some asian greens; snow peas; all bean varieties; spinach; silver beet; cabbages; cauliflower; broccoli and a lot herbs that tend to struggle in the heat and humidity of summer.
Peggy.....looking forward to seeing your pics, I know what a fabulous set up you have there, it's a real credit to you. The volunteer gardening group is a great idea, over here we try and incorporate it with the ''meals on wheels'' service, that's provided to folk who can no longer keep up with their home and garden chores.
Young Shiney.... hang in there with the new job kiddo, most new ones are a pain until you get into a routine of sorts. I'm sure it'll be fine soon:)
Laurie...hope you get to plant outside soon, it must be sooo frustrating waiting for the weather and the ground to thaw out.
Randy....great idea about the tomatoes. I was mowing the grass...can't call it found 6 tomato seedlings coming up in the grass plus 2 bean plants. It's a little late for them here now but I dug them all up and put them in pots, so here's hoping.
Ok better head off and finish outside before it rains again, good to see everyone else is doing well and young Nat great to see you again! Stay warm and well 'til next time folks:)
Well, right now, Marie is a woman on a mission. I know what a handmade quilt means and I have one that my mother did for my wife and I. It is a treasure, and I know the one Marie is working on will also be a treasure.
Peggy.....looking forward to seeing your pics, I know what a fabulous set up you have there, it's a real credit to you. The volunteer gardening group is a great idea, over here we try and incorporate it with the ''meals on wheels'' service, that's provided to folk who can no longer keep up with their home and garden chores.

John I will try maybe tomorrow and thank you sir for the compliment.. Had to go to funeral hom and funeral of lil bros mil... It has been cold here and we had frost last night and again tonight...The Purple Plum Tree is so beautifully in bloom right be 65 tomorrow..hoping to get out and get a few things done and take some pics... I have just been very busy here.
Hope you are all having a wonderful week..
Off to bed...I am a tired lil lady tonight...
I'm still a little sore tonight from the workout I had yesterday. It was a good day outside and I got some of the December storm damage repaired. I started working today in the berry patch and it is a struggle clearing out the wild blackberries, but I will keep pecking away at it.
Hi, all! I worked outside all day Sunday in the beautiful 70's. Started cleaning out the 2 ponds...what a nasty smell the sediment/leaves/etc. gets!!! Like working in a pigsty. But good to see the water lily and iris leaping toward the sun. Ahhhhh...sweet Spring. Of course it snowed the next day, but that's how it usually goes. I haven't noticed the magnolias turning brown, so they may not have gotten "frosted".

Don't forget me, guys. I'm getting more used to my new schedule and will check in more and more. It's so hard being a grown up. ;-)
It's probably even tougher to be a mature grownup. LOL I get a kick out of my son-in-law David. He is just an old kid himself, yet I think it is great as the kids really enjoy being around him. My role here is 'grumpy Grampa' and I try to accommodate, but they know it's all a big front.
Stopping in to check on everyone and make sure that all is well....I'll try to get back in here today sometime...working 2 jobs now...Sheeeeeeew this is Murder on a person!:(
Hey Rhonda! Hang in there...good things come to those who wait. Someday life will be easier for you.

Randy...I am mature enough to know how to act appropriately in certain situations....but mostly I am just a big goofball. I'll always be 19 in my mind. No regrets.
KyGal hang in there. Be glad you have work!!!

Deb sometimes I feel and act 19. Other times I feel and act 90. My age is somewhere in between. I will be 60 this year, Lord willing.
Wanna take a short break and say "Good Moning, Wombat, grumpy Gramps, Shinekeeper, KyGal, & Dale, ...

Randy I'm glad you got the rest of the storm damage cleaned... That is quite a chore... I have one burning left on the burn pile of limbs and debrie...
I worked at my berry patches last week, strawberries, grapes, & blueberry patch completed...I still have raspberry patch to tackle.. I will do that as soon as weather permits.

Rhonda laugh and have fun with those jobs...
That sure takes me back to when I worked several jobs..........
Its always a pleasure to see ya gal...
I believe what Dad told me lots...."The only difference between work and play is in your attitude.."

Shiney you are a wonderful goofball, and what a joy to hear you laugh...
It is music to my ears to hear your adjusting to the job as i knew you would...
and the fact you will be checking in hear more...

John when I brought up the world satellite over your land I seen all the burnt areas... Wow that is a lot...
I have asian greens to start and you reminded me that I forgot my snowpeas.

My kiddos tell me I act like a teenager and I love to fill that way most of the time. I'll be 57 next month but I honestly don't feel it...aah there are a few day but not many...

It has rained and rained all week..I emptied the rain guage yesterday and it liked a few tenths being 5"..this morning it has about 1/2" again...

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter celebration with family..
We are doing Easter get together at my daughters this year...
I made her a little gift... I took eggs and gently crack the top part off them...color dyed the eggs and planted herbs in them that I already had started. She asked me a month or so ago if I would start her some when i started mine. This was fun.

Have a good weekend all..
I worked on the berry patch fr awhile today until the rain made me get under cover. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too. That will put a damper on the kids activities maybe. The grandkids are getting too old for hunting eggs though. But we will have some great nieces and great nephews over here after church and they are still in the egg-hunting years.
Morning all....hope everyone had a wonderful Easter:) We're still getting rain on and off over here, with my rain gauge showing 5'' and more to come according to the weather bureau. Managed to harvest the last of my summer crops and dug over 3 beds in preparation for planting veggies.
I also planted 60 sweetpea seedlings, some stocks, calendulas, cornflowers. snapdragons and torenias. They're in raised beds so hopefully they won't drown with all our rain.
My little rainforest has practically leapt out of the ground with some shrubs almost doubling in height over the last month. I added another 15 (mainly under storey) plants and will add more between showers to try and take advantage of the soft ground, my back appreciates it ;)
Have a safe week everyone as the rain's stopped and I'm off outside again:)
Peggy we got rain on Thursday and more on the way on Monday and Tuesday. Don't know when we will be able to get in the vegetable garden.

Today was beautiful, a little windy but still a nice day. Didn't get to 70.

John sounds like you have had fun digging in the dirt.
I went to YEC (Youth Evangelism Celebration) this weekend with the church youth group and had a wonderful and exciting time with our young ones. I really enjoy Christian Rock and got to see a few groups that I like. Stayed up all night playing games with the kids and then got home and CRASHED! Fun times!!
Natalie, my wife and I were counsellors for the junior high kids at our church for 3 years, but that was about 35 years ago. I know at this stage in life, they would know better that to have me involved with them again. I would probably kill them. I'm just kidding about that, but I do think it takes a very patient couple or individual to deal with the youth in that age bracket. It is a transitional time when they want to be grown up, yet they are still so young. Their emotions are on a roller coaster and you never know when they will be in the depths of despair or on the heights of happiness. They certainly need our patience and understanding during that time. My hats off to anyone that works with kids and especially that particular age group. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
