What's the weather in your area? 2015 Edition

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It was a beautiful day yesterday with a temperature of 52 degrees. It got up to 54 degrees in Portland. It was quite different this morning though. It was a light rain in the early morning and has increased to heavy rain at this point. It is 46 degrees outside.
36F with winds out of the SW...
Rain and wet snow every now and then, but mostly light rain....turning to light flurries later in this evening and overnight as the temp drops down slowly to 25....
Temps for the week are expected to be ---mid 20's for the highs, and 16 to 18 for the lows....
we are having freezing rain right now. hope the temps go up so it becomes all rain, as its a skating rink outside now.
So glad we didn't get the freezing rain that others got to the south and southeast of us! Just got light rains and drizzle!

Yesterday was nice at 35F for the high, but no sunshine....so SAD!
It is mild here again today at 30F (still no sun)......slowly dropping to 21 as a frontal system moves through....just expecting a few light flurries and not much in the way of winds out of the west...which will shift out of the NW this evening....
This winter is weird....nothing normal or average about it, so glad it isn't anything close to last winter!!!
It has been raining pretty heavy for the last couple of days. We got a few holes in the clouds yesterday but they didn't last long. The creek in the pasture is running high enough that Fiona is keeping the animals in the barn.
what a mess this area was this morning. black ice everywhere. eventually everything got sanded/salted and the temps went up to melt alot. very scarey driving down the road to work. all is clear now, good thing as the temps are dropping tonight.
Today was a bonus day after a really wet stormy weekend! It was sunny from start to finish without even any fog in the way! and it was about 52F the sunset was beautiful! supposed to stay nice for tomorrow and most of wednesday.

Here's this mornings sunrise!
Nippy 16F and slowly rising....Light wind out of the NE....a clipper is expected to travel south of the lake and will not effect us....
Going up to around 23 this afternoon and should be partly sunny all day...
We still had scattered clouds today but no rain. There was still haze though in the blue areas of the sky so the sun's effect was limited. But it was nice to be able to be outside for awhile without getting rained on. I think we made it to 50 degrees.
14F with clouds moving in.....possible flurries from another Alberta Clipper that is scooting south of the lake......
Might get up to 27 this afternoon.....with light winds out of the NE....
Here's last evening's sunset:
Good picture! We had another day of clear weather. It was not totally clear though. There was a haze that reduced the effect of the sun. We had a light fog this morning but I could still see the back of the pasture. It got up to 48 degrees today.
Thanks guys, I enjoy taking them!
27F....with no winds...yet! ....expecting light westerly winds later on...
Might get a bit higher this afternoonwith variable cloudiness
The lake is almost completely frozen over.....still can see some open water a few miles out....
We had clouds come in today so we were overcast most of the day. We had one little rain squall this morning but that was all. Our high for the day was 48 degrees.
27F with cloudy skies....15 mph winds out of the SW....windchill 14....
Expecting to see a high of 30 with mostly sun this afternoon...

We keep missing all the lows so haven`t had much in the way of snow.........might see a few flurries tomorrow and Sunday...maybe!
27F with light winds out of the SW...will be shifting and come out of the west this afternoon with a high of 32....
Isolated flurries expected off and on all day.....
The cold cold returns tomorrow with a high of 18....which isn't too bad!!
30F with a freezing rain advisory!!! Been having isolated periods of ice pellets and freezing rain.....Should end at some point this evening.....
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