The Bluegrass Bunch a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

Thank you, Gloria ~ we have lived in this t/h for 13 years.I've been retired for 12 years from teaching. Our streets/ 'student' population continues to change as people move in and out, have babies, etc. I find a child is always a challenge, no matter what age. A child always has a story behind them b/c htey are a product of their environment. All I can do is attempt to give them a safe environment within our home and 'hood'. Maybe I should have beena lion tamer instead of a teacher :) Thank you ~ Curbie
Nope! Bad choice. Invest your time in a lion and you still have a wild animal. Invest your time in a kid and most likely they will invest time in another kid. I often think back on the men that served as scoutmasters when I was in scouts. There were five of them all together and all but one left very favorable impressions and memories. It was the last one that caused me to drop out of the program. I suppose he was an all-right guy, but I got discouraged. For a project, he had me do a map of the state of California. I thought I finished it, but when I presented it to him, he ponted out that I didn't include something. So I took it home and added what he told me to. I presented it to him again and he pointed out something else that I had not included. I took it home and included whatever that was. I presented it to him again and he told me that I had not included something else. I took the map home and never worked on it again or went back for another meeting. The other four men though were great guys. They didn't put up with any foolishness, but they were good leaders.
Oh, I'm just your normal , average , brilliant, singing....neighbor. My neighbor called today and said,"I cannot believe I can hear you through the wall." oh ~ I'm sorry. She asked who I was singing. uh....which song did you hear? They are great neighbors to put up with us ~ Christmas tree in April. Cats that torment their dogs She calls me Ethel and I call her Lucy. We liyrtally hang over the fence to pass to each other~a stick of butter, a cup of coffee, a magazine. ~ Curbie
I have good neighbors too, but I don't sing to them. There was apparently a neighborhood meeting yesterday on the road in front of our house. The neighbor behind us was sitting there on his tractor talking with a couple of the neighbors on the other side of the road. I had to go to the lumber yard in town and when I came back they were still standing there blocking one side of the road. Nobody minded though. They just go around them. I was busy or I would have gone out there and joined them. Linda lives a couple of places down on the other side of the road and last year she really pulled a good one on Owen, the neighbor behind us. Owen was fertilizing a couple of his fields yesterday and I saw him drive into Linda's place with the equipment, so I am sure he also fertilzed her pasture. Last year he did that and a couple of days later it was April Fool's Day. Linda called Owen up on the phone and asked him what that stuff was that he put down in her pasture. Her grass was all turning yellow. Owen got all excited because he figured he had killed their pasture. But Linda admitted that she was pulling his leg.
We are past the official frost date now, but I will wait another month before I start putting anything out. I may get the rows laid out though and get the posts all put in for the supports. I gave up on trying drip irrigation in the bush plants (squash and pumpkins) so I hand watered them all summer. The plant leaves made it difficult to determine where the main stems were though, so this year I am going to drive in a steel post to mark where to water to get the water in the root area. We have so many particulates in our well water that it continually plugged up those little drip things. In the house the water goes through a good filter and takes all that stuff out.
Randy, we are past our frost date too but snow is predicted to our 3000ft level tomorrow night. I understand why you wait. I will too.
I don't know about frost dates (SURPRISE :) ) but I can tell you, while in Pittsburgh these past 5 days,(Thur ->Mon) it was really cold ~ highs in the 40's, lows in the 20's. We saw sleet, hail,rain, unbelievable wind,and snow. On our way up Thursday, we stopped at The Souvenier Store and I bought this goofy winter hat ~ the kind that has flaps that go over your ears. The cashier said,"WELL, YOU'RE getting a head start on winter." The 6 of 'us family', were fighting over this hat all weekend ~ "Oh no....Mom bought, Mom wears it." Nothing like yelling,"PUT MY HAT DOWN! I CAN SEE YOU!" I don't know what the weather has been like here near DC but lots of plants in the garden are fleurishing. My tiny herb planter is showing signs of greenery and my geraniums that froze out are returning. We had our pollen season, then we went to Pittsburgh at Easter and had theirs and 5 days later, when we returned to Pgh., we were back in theirs and this past weekend, we could watch the pollen fall through the sky. ~ Curbie :)
I have allergy problems whether there is pollen or not. I told my wife I was allergic to Germans and that was why. If she thought about it though, I never had allergy problems for about the first 25 years of our marriage and she was just as German then as she is now.
And I think...just b/c I broke my nose twice this winter, I can't breathe :). I am very glad the trees are 'doing their thing". Must make treelettes. This year, pollen seems endless to me ~ under my contacts in various states. I HAVE been accused of yelling, out of the car window in West Virginia at the pollen. Poor MTM ~ "Do you really want me to stop?" no, thank you. please just adjust the pollen....MTM starts to play with the knobs in the car. I said,"Music." and then we laughed. Somehow, we're never on the same page of any book ~ "wrong church ~ right pew" DO NOT SING...I am blessed with tolerance of MTM. But this is really funny ~ He said,"Sit down...." I AM IN THE CAR.......oh...thought i'd take a the car. Really listen to what folks say and truly, the giggles are contagious ~ Curbie :)
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It isn't easy :) trust me :) Traveling: GET the snacks, please. I seriously got my foot stuck on the dashboard, changing radio stations. Geez, may as well sit in the back seat b/c........I can't get my HEAD OUT of the BACKSEAT b/c I'm stuck in the FRONT seat. It all makes sense. I'm sure it has something to do with gravity ~ Curbie :)
Seatbelts can be irritating at times. I have used them without coercion since they became available and even installed them in a couple of cars that did not come with them, a 1936 Plymouth and a 1958 Rambler. But yesterday I buckled up and then tried to reach for the hand brake release and that belt would not let me reach that far. Blooming inanimate object! They do save lives though and minimize personal injury.
I am grateful it isn't only myself but I tend to try to do circus acts while in one. If we don't use one, we will get a ticket. But when we're on the PA turnpike, I have this great's the 15 second rule ~ if I can't reach it in 15 seconds, you are not going to get it. My snacks are in my....purse :) Momma didn't raise no fool....except me ~ Curbie
Well, you have to get caught to get a ticket. But it doesn't matter. I always use the belt. About the time I don't hook it up, that will be the time I will need it. They didn't have to make it a law for me to use a belt. They did recently make a law against the use of cell phones while driving, but I still see a lot of people using them.
What is with this cell phone and texting while driving? We see it all the time anad I always reflect that, while driving, I would need to find my purse,get out my reading glasses, and try to drive with reading glasses on to text. I think I may be old and occularly challenged. If my cell phone rings while I'm driving, I pull over to the side of the road, providing it isn't a cliff :) I think I am astounded by these peoples' abilities but it sure doesn't help their driving. 30mph to 70mph and back to 30mph. I talk to more people in the grocery store b/c I do not realize.....THEY are on their cell phones saying,"HEY! How are you?" ~ Curbie :)
What is with this cell phone and texting while driving? We see it all the time anad I always reflect that, while driving, I would need to find my purse,get out my reading glasses, and try to drive with reading glasses on to text. I think I may be old and occularly challenged. If my cell phone rings while I'm driving, I pull over to the side of the road, providing it isn't a cliff :) I think I am astounded by these peoples' abilities but it sure doesn't help their driving. 30mph to 70mph and back to 30mph. I talk to more people in the grocery store b/c I do not realize.....THEY are on their cell phones saying,"HEY! How are you?" ~ Curbie :)

It is against the law to use hand held cell phones while driving up here!
So many accident were caused by people distracted by their cell phones that something had to be done!
I find it rediculous whenever I see someone (and there are a lot of them) talking on their phone!
There is a place and time for them, not just anytime and anywhere!
People are simply not important enough to have to be on their cell phones all the time, no matter where they are!
This is my opinion on cell phone usage!
I don't even have one...opps.....I forgot.... I do have one, and it's sitting in a drawer somewhere!
Glad I got that off my chest!;) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
