What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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21F and still sunny!
No decernable wind!
The lake is calm and the duckies are having a grand time where the ice broke up...not much in the way of ice coverage.

Jules is next in line to get snowed in!!!

Our nieghbor was having a grand time with his snow blower so did most of my driveway......didn't have that much to dig out except for the drifts around the car.
All the snow should melt quickly over the next two days, 34 and sunny for tomorrow and 43F for Monday with rain as the next system moves in!
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We are having a steady light rain with a temperature of 38 degrees. 'Tain't a fit night out for man nor beast. That's a line from a very old movie (1930's) starring W. C. Fields.
thats a lucky break for you to have a good neighbor like that Ron......makes cleanup much easier.....
the next system for us could be freezing rain if the temps dont rise high enough.....and I have a feeling Im working all day if its freezing rain and the morning girl cannot make it in from her new location where she moved....
glad your ok laurie and didnt loose power.......
going down to minus one tonight......
-1 is a rather low degree. That's a definite 'bbbrrrrrr'. Hope your pipes don't freeze. It's 17° right now with a high expected about 41°. (Today is MTM's birthday. :) ) Curbie
Tell Mike Happy Birthday.
Today it is 57 this morning going up to 75. We have a 50% chance of rain later today. We are still trying to get back where we should be after all that drought we had.
7F with a 0F windchill!
Headingup to 34F this afternoon!!!
The lake is frozen over.......
Rain moving in for this evening and into tomorrow....
The sun is out and 25 everything here is white. On Thursday the ground was bare, now there is 3' of snow on it..
25F here too!
Sunny with not much of a wind out of the NE.
The ice that formed last night is breaking up!!
35 today and sunny.....no wind tho and there was some melting....but we have a long way to go, and another storm for friday,, but its too early to predict what it will be......looks like an active pattern for feb this yr.......hopefully an early spring.....
I'm not sure what our high was for today. It's 43 degrees outside now, so it was probably a couple of degrees warmer. We had no rain. The weather guessers said it was supposed to clear today but that didn't happen.
41F the meltdown begins!
Wind warning here for today!
Expecting 40+ winds out of the SW with peak gust in the 50-55 mph range this afternoon!
The ice on the lake has already started breaking up.
With the high winds it should pile the ice up along the shoreline, or break up the ice along the shore! Either way it will be a noisy day!
The temperature is 44 degrees and the sky is overcast. We had a rain shower a little while ago, but it has stopped at this point.
It is 51 this morning with drizzle this morning. Had a shower earlier but should clear off later. Should get up to 70 this afternoon.

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