What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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We have had nice weather for awhile. The last few mornings have been overcast until about noon and then the sky cleared. The weather guessers are saying we might get showers today though. We only had a trace of rain early in July with it staying dry the rest of the month.
rained most of the night......the sun is coming out now.....its a tad humid, but that will go away by this afternoon......
Happy August everyone!
The weird weather continues! Cooler then normal and wetter then usual!
We had that one week long heat wave and that ws it!
66F going up to 75F this afternoon!
What can I say about August. It is hot will be hot and we will have little or no rain this month. We are forecast for 103 today. So we are only wondering how much over 100 we will be.
Lyn, one of the things I really appreciated about moving to Oregon from California was getting out of the summer heat we had down there. The normal summer days were in the 90's but they were sprinkled liberally with days over 100. Our 'normal' summer temperature is in the low 80's but we do vary from that on occasion. It was 59 degrees when I stepped out about 7:30 this AM and if the overcast clears we could get up to 80 degrees. We made it to about 70 degrees yesterday with the sky overcast all day.
another lovely day, hotter than last week, but no humidity, and nice having the windows opened again...
63F going up to 73F
Still September weather!
Somewhere is getting all the heat, but it isn't us!
looked like rain early this morning, but after looking at the weather channel, saw that it was raining south of here....by 9am, the sun came out and its another lovely day here.....
I agree Ron, it feels like Sept weather here too. 50's in the am on the way to work
Got to about 80 today with am rain. More of the same for tomorrow
Those bugs that sound like chainsaws have been sawing for a couple weeks now and usually
when we hear them it means fall, way too early for them to be sawing...
We did break our record, and set a new one! broke a record for longest stretch with no rain and most hours of sun in July, and set a new record for no rain fall at all in any month in July. We made it by minutes!! it literally started raining just after midnight on August 1. it really cooled us down, and the days have since been a mix of sun and cloud, without much rain, temps in the day getting up into mid to high 70's and nights about 60. really nice weather for getting things done, however, I said to hubby today, it honestly feels like it has turned to September instead of August!! very strange. I hope we get one more nice blast of summer heat this month, I would not want to begin fall already!
I have done 3 batches of blackberry jelly, and today, the grand daughters picked berries then came in and helped make jelly again. It was a special day :)
63F and only going up to 72!!!
At least it is sunny, clear with low humidity!
Light winds out of the NW....
sunny and pleasant today.....had a thunderstorm this afternoon......then it cleared up and was nice and sunny again.....about 78, but nights are a bit chilly at 63.....a touch of fall.......think summer has vanished.....
Well that was a short lived break from the heat! today got up to 77 but the humidity was high so felt hotter. We are in another long stretch of summer weather they say, highs to near about 80 and lows of 60. no more rain in sight. we skipped picking blackberries today and walked to the beach instead :)
97 and hot. We have had a fire burning since 4th of July and the air is still smokey. Makes for beautiful sunsets but also wicked allergies
We had a hot day yesterday. It was supposed to stay in the mid 80's but instead climbed to at least 90.

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