What's the weather in your area? 2014 Edition

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We now have a Freezing Rain Warning for our area for this evening!!!! Great!!!
Right now it is hovering around 30-32F with overcast skies, and no winds.
The exact track of eye of this storm is still uncertain.....
I'm hoping that we get the snow rather then freezing rain.....
Ron, Im watching the weather and it doesnt look good in your area.....and its coming this way.......heard it will be deep freeze all the way down to atlanta.....what a wild winter.......Im praying you dont loose power Ron......keep safe.....
Yes Janet, you heard right!!
Boy! Are we in for it!!!
Right now the winds are howling out of the SW around 30 to 40mph!!
Temps are slowly rising and will be around 34F by tomorrow ahead of this next winter storm!
Then the temps start to drop!!
Expecting a good 12"s starting tomorrow evening into Monday!
By Tuesday we will be starting break all the the old reconds for extreme cold temps!

Stay tuned, will report more as things develop!

Dam, having intermittant power outages with this gale force winds!

Stay safe Ron!! don't know about you, but I do kind of like extreme weather once in a while, it is so awe inspiring to see what mother nature can do! as long as it is not too often, and there is no undue hardship or loss of life of course!
We had an awe inspiring day here, the sky was that stunning winter blue with the sun beaming and everything was covered in a thick layer of white frost this morning. We got up to about 43F today, and it is not supposed to freeze tonight, last part sun day tomorrow then, while it will warm up, it will also start raining again.
One has to respect mother nature!!
Most don't and will be trying to go to work tomorrow and will put themselves at risk!!
Freezing rain for the last couple of hours! Everything is coated in ice
Looks like we will not be getting much in the way of snow....but once this system moves out it will be replaced with a blast of extreme cold that will freeze everything up!
Going down to 28 with more freezinf rain!
Hope we do not lose power again!
We are cold this morning. It is 23 here this morning and only going up to 40 this afternoon. I hope it goes away soon. No rain or snow but the wind has been blowing for the last 3 days. Maybe that will go away now.
its 55 here this morning......and pouring rain....the wind is starting to pick up now......we will drop like a rocket this afternoon and everything will turn to ice with the artic blast......not going to be safe lateron.......

be safe Ron.....hope you dont loose power......
We didn't get as much icing since the temps rose above freezing after I went to bed!!
The ice on the trees melted and fell as the rains tapered off.
18F now and falling fast.
Winds are picking up out of the WNW and will continue to increase as the cold air rushes in!!!
Roads are ice covered as the ground remained frozen, and now with the flash freeze, it looks deadly go go anywhere!

The local road crew is here cleaning up broken branches and clearing branches away from the power lines that were weakened from the last ice storm....nice thing is that we did not lose power last night!
This Arctic Blast is just that!!!
45+mph winds with higher gusts!!
The wave action is ripping the icebanks apart along the shoreline and are getting whiteouts with the blizzard conditions!!!
10F going down to -7 overninght with continuing winds out of the WSW.....
The waves hitting the icebanks are being propelled a good 20ft into the air with ice chunks!! Amazing to watch!!!
It was cold this morning, just below freezing. But it warmed up some during the day and the clouds started building again. It has rained a little bit today but nothing of any consequence.
-8F with a -36F wind chill! Expecting a wind chill of -40 tonight!
Winds are still gusting at 50mph
We can expect this weather for the next 24 to 36 hours!!!
Everyone on the south side of Lake Erie are getting hammered with snow squalls off the lake and are expecting 3ft+ in snow!! We will only get less the 12"s but could be locally a lot more depending on wind directions!
Lucky for us that the area work crews cleaned out a lot of the tree branches from around the power lines today that could have come down with these intense winds!!
Tomorrow's high will only be 3F
Hope your weather warms up for you all soon! Bad t/storm here last night large branch came through the roof .....water everywhere.....finally cleaned it all up around midnight, Crew came around early this morning, cleaned up the branches and put a tarp on the roof. Now we're waiting for an army of tradesmen to come in, electrician, plumber, builder, plasterer,tiler and painter. It was hard getting up to go to work this morning! lol Thank goodness for insurance! It was 86F today and no more rain.....
Sorry to hear about the branch. I've had trees fall down but not hit the house. We are cold too so I can't complain when we are in the 20's and to go up to the upper 40's later today but by the weekend we will be back in the 70's.
OMG John, so sorry to hear about that......hope you can get that roof fixed soon......

zero here this morning with minus 15 wind chill factor.....its sunny out, and so deceiving ......everyone be safe, in this dangerous weather....
Wildly windy all night!!
Winds are sustained at 60 mph with 70+ gusts out of the west!!!
Snow squalls with blizzard conditions at any time!
Looking out over the lake it is a solid wall of clouds and snow!!!
Reports from the south side of the lake are saying they had to basically shut everything down....they are all getting hammered as are everyone to the east of us!!
It was in the mid 30's overnight and rose to the 40's for a daytime high. The rain has returned and it is making up for some lost time.
We lost power due to the hurricane-like winds!
We were out for a few hours, power is back on again.
Winds are 50+ range with higher gusts at 60+mph range!
Present temp is 3F.....winds are expected to dininish over night!
I'm really hating this winter due to the gale force winds.....
Low for tonight 1F!!
glad your ok Ron......sounds like a wild ride your on........winds werent too bad here today......still it was minus 10 all day.....buffalo is closed down.....as watertown is also......they were expecting 3 feet of snow........
hope everyone is warm and well.....home repairs are going well, hopefully the rain will stay away for a while so work can progress smoothly, especially on the roof and ceiling, holes everywhere unfortunately.....85F and o'cast today
glad repairs have started John.....soon you will be back in working order.....what a horrible thing to happen.....glad no one was hurt......

zero this morning and up to 10 now.....sunny but no heat in that sunshine.....we will continue on the up swing here and have 50 on sat......what crazy weather.....feel like Im on a sea saw......

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