What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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It rained ALL day here in Northern California. I know we need water and the fire danger is brutal but even my ducks are wet and unhappy!
It's still raining here too and is supposed to stay that way until Friday. It got up to 65 degrees yesterday.
Hot but when I went for my walk this morning it wasn't too bad because there was a nice cool breeze. We hit 100 yesterday. Knew it was coming but didn't want it to happen. No rain. Early morning clouds but the burn off quickly.
Well we can't even run away south to escape the rain because it's raining there too! That and the fact our dollar has dropped to only 95 cents to the US dollar, and the price of gas, and trying to figure out how to live on a new budget. sigh.
hubby mentioned some of my plants looked like they were waterlogged, maybe starting to rot out there. yes, we have had enough rain now!
we have had enough rain over here as well, but it keeps on raining........HHH and like an oven today.....but now clouds have come and its cooled down a little......more thunderstorms on the way.....ugh...
It is still wet and cloudy here too but is supposed to start slacking off and heating up. Then I get to complain about the heat with everyone else. LOL
HHHH... here today again. No rain. Just have someone bring the rainwater down in a truck folks I'm serious in the last of water here.
Hmmmm! Trucking rainwater!!!
It is a noisy morning out over the lake with lightning stikes hitting the water making deep base B-al-loop sounds!
Hedy is not impressed and is now under the sofa!
Hazy and no wind so the sound travels far!
Expecting rain and thunderstorms all day!
We had heavy overcast all day yesterday, but no rain. It got up to 70 degrees too and that felt pretty good. The clouds are still there this morning but are much thinner.
we are expecting TONS of rain according to the weatherman........but I havent seen it yet.....just HHH.....
Still raining here, and it's just warm enough that wearing a jacket makes you sweat. the humidity is so high, I really don't like this much. Usually if it is raining here it is cool. They are saying it is supposed to start clearing out and like Randy's area, get hotter. I promise not to complain when it does!
Been booming for the last couple of hours acan expect heavy downpours and more thunderstorms all day
Under a heavy downpour warning!
It cleared somewhat yesterday and got up to 80 degrees and the sky is totally clear this morning. We are in our mid 60's right now and heading for 90 degrees. I am not even going to try not to complain. It's just my nature. LOL
It is hot. We have been over 100 for several days now. I think they said it would be 105 today. It is sunny and dry too.
well we got tons of rain last night and wind.....it cooled off tho.....and I was able to open up the windows today.....it was hot, but less humidity......but more rain coming lateron......flooding is starting around here as the ground is satuated.....
it rained here most of the day
went on a lighthouse tour by car and so foggy couldn't see anything but had a good time
Nancie is leaving in the am, hope the weather is nice for her drive back and not all rain
showers off and on for the next 5 days here
More rain today off and on!
63F going up to 73F
Might see some sun during the periods of rain and thunderstorms!
Had some power outages last evening and at one point we heard some loud sizzling and popping...the hydro company were down in about an hour to check things out and fix one of the pole transformers! Problem was due to the torrential downpours yesterday!
We got a month's worth of rain in one day!!!

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